Public Masturbation

So I was passing through my town centre on my way into the City and I needed a piss. I went into the local big supermarket (ASDA) which also has a cafe & toilets. I walked into the men's toilets and it appeared empty, but as I undid my belt I heard a loud grunt. I paused for a second, heard nothing more, thought it was my imagination and proceeded to take a piss. How wrong was I?!

Within seconds I heard some serious grunting and the unmistakable sound of jacking off. I guess the culprit thought I'd left because he was really powering one out. It was really hard to piss while listening to someone jack off a few feet from me so I had to give up. I made an effort to wash my hands as loudly as possible and used the blow dryer to dry them but the masturbator was still going strong.

It was at this point I left.
sorry, ill try to be more quiet next time
holy fuck that must of been some wank if he didn't get distracted by company
oi add me in xfire can send pmmes

ipwnnubswithknife <- xfire addy
hah what a inconsiderate wanker
u turned him on

... sick ppl
i think my opinion is too obvious to be told
argumentum ad hominem.
ur dick that hard?
He was just trolling you

What's with the trolls everywhere
kamz busted
Sick bastard @_@
Sounds hot! :D

When i was younger i "had" a very similar experience lulz went to a wc shopping and after i finish the pee a older guy joined the wc and started wanking (yes i could see him trough the mirror.. he wasn't pissing..he was wanking :X ) Lol... i washed my hands rly fast and gtfo fast :D
cool story bro
and he turned out to be your dad
rofl dude :D
Should have gone to Waitrose.
u edited ur comment bitch.


Quote It was really hard to piss while listening to someone jack off a few feet from me so I had to give up

Why you didnt joined him? Maybe he would even jack you off since on such a spree
cool story bro.
u should have just said "oh thats a good idea, mmhh, ahh yea just like that aaa"
Sorry. Thought I was alone.
Liar you heard him use the blow dryer but that just encouraged you to grunt louder, you exhibitionist.
It's what I do. You should of seen the shot! Surprised it didn't land on his back! :D
sounds legit
bus Public toilet wankers.
why didn't you join him?
As I always thought, people in the UK are weird. razz is playing 24/7 ET and looks like a 10 year old, the government allows kamz to stay and people jerk off in a toilet. Sick country, I feel sorry for you mate :/
Today I went for a wank in a public toiler. Then some fucking vert came in listening to me, I even heard him wash his hands and like use the blow dryer at which point he still hung around for a few seconds lurking, listening to me. It was really hard to climax with this fucking paedophile just listening to me jack off. Eventually he did leave though at which point I ejaculated.
Often have a wank at work, quite common at my place I think. Everyone mentions it, way to kill abit of time
i paid some churches in rome together with my mom a visit, but i was so pissed to go into every church we found, so i just once waited for her outside until she looked around inside and came out again.

so she came out with a stunned face. i asked her: "why this face?" and she said: "when i was looking around, i came by some dark corner...there was a man jerking off. at first he didnt recognize me, but then he looked at me...and didnt stop. i just got out because this was so disgusting."

real story man. :p

and well...i am no christian or smth, but how blasphemic is that? :p
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