skyrim dual / summoner

anyone played a dual / summoner yet in skyrim? I got bored of my sneak archer :S One shot pretty much everything. Together with that companion (can't remember the name but she is said to be the best in the game) I could just leave my pc and let the companion kill the dragon -.-

Summoner + dual (dagger) with heavy armor looks like fun ? Thought about mage + summoner but nah :S

2x summons + companion + me :o
will play it tomorrow :) when my last exam is over
summoner is with those fire atronarch undso?
Play master difficulty?? :P
booooring !
Just started dual destroyer, it's pretty fun so far.
Bare-fists + enchantment for increased fist ownage is the only way to go. You haven't lived until you've strangled a dragon with your bare hands.
Anything with magic is fun, but I never take companions and put the difficulty to max.
I played 1h weapon and summoning skill in the other hand.

Sneak attack on one guy with a bound sword=> ressurect him, fight the others with him by my side :D
dont ... did the same and felt awesome ... got boring after 2 days (pretty much like the whole game tbh) you basicly just look your summons killing everything
so what else should I play? :( Werewolf only?
heavy armor khajiit with shiled and barehand
You shouldn't listen to him as he doesn't even like the game.
that makes sense.
It does, doesn't it? Someone who doesn't like the game Skyrim wouldn't possibly play it hundreds of hours and thus can't give a reasonable advice about the game.
summoner is useful for every mage as you usually need a tank
No need for a tank when you nuke the shit out of things :D
fire atronarch is nice tho cause it lights people on fire and u then deal more dmg with fire spells.
stop playing that crap and play Morrowind instead :D
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