Sad sad day.

Today morning i was playing on my computer like normally, suddenly my power supply says BAM. So obviously i haz no pc atm.

So I ask if this happened to anyone else and did it brake any other components from your pc aswell?

I dont know shit about computers so i'd like to know Can/does it brake other shit from your computer when power supply blows up.

No random chick cause my random chick folder is on my pc's hdd
Surges can definitely fry anything/everything. I've had power outages make hard drives die as well.
i hope ur whole computer blew up
i had it when the pc was off and luckily nothing was damaged except power supply itself
Just try changing PSU and if computer works then everything else is obviously OK. If not, give more information to troubleshoot the problem.

e: team decerto will give you new one
here for ya brah
cheap power supply? try one from coolermaster.

I don't think it will break other components, when you turn on your computer a small power surge is going through all the components anyways ( hence never turning your PC off is in a way better for the hardware.. ). Just try it with a new power supply and most likely everything will work like a charm again.
how are you making this journal when no pc? :SSS
>only devices with inet access are PCs
yes? so how did he do it?
i use this site on my iphone when im bored at work.
GOOD day, from today on days are longer, nights shorter
depends, it could effect on everything or nothing. without testing your pc with other power supply youll never find out :)
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