xmas bros on CF

yo wassup, gonna party hard tommorow :) any plans on new year ???

i've no idea what to do yet on new years so yeah kinda fail whale but ill think of smth :) cocaine and hot bitches involved, ofc..

ill be working ^^ hehe cocaine & hot bitches involved ofc ^^
Work today, work tomorrow, playing santa around the city at christmas-eve, after that few drinky-days, work on tuesday, work... Going to friends cabin for the new year, sauna & swimming and titties.
sauna with fat mans & their titties?
Hmm, I think there isn't any fat people around. And we got girls too you fool...
sauna & swimming and titties - can i come?
Ofc you can. Directions here, http://g.co/maps/u3cx3

The place (ranch? estate?) is called "Nirvana".
*packing bags*
dont! h ruined your chinese dinner!
I did? When?
i failed hard :D
Panda did, not Thomm!
Probably end up making some girl pregnant.
party hard with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NgEDMrjuXQ

no ideas on new years aswell but prolly gonna do some epic houseparty with friends since we all have no plans. drugs all night long
Eat much pussy and stuff dunzym8 !

Maybe I'll see you in Tallinn during the New Years Eve. Not sure yet where I'll be
I will try not to party as hard as last year..

atleast not together with Norway Anakin ..

He doesnt handle alcohol to good.. I just had to record him:)

image: funny_gif_selection_06
you should try crystal meph, it seems to be much better than coke :PpPp
it seems u never tried drugs :PPP
gonna drink all day every day
Few beers tomorrow, few beers Sat and Sunday.
Party hard NYE.
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