Lowest NC ever?

srsly wtf?


only around 23 "real" nations applied? and no Croatia Spain Italy Latvia Japan Slovakia Chile Turkey ?
ET is dead in that countries ?


image: cbcb9c6a4e
they're only filler countries anyway
croatia latvia and japan reached top4 :S
how many years ago?
3-5 i think :S
and we all know why japan reached top 4 :)
oh cmon. clownbase fucked up your match against Japan but anyway they wasnt only 'filler countries'
they played well, but still it was pretty easy since finland, netherlands and germany were out of the nc :-)
Japan put up big challange to big nations many times. They weren't weak.
No they didn't.
Post gamestv link, profit?
I remember ee underperforming, not their best team. And fin had a really hard time with pings that game as you can see from the comments. Also when they got to fourth place, they had the easiest brackets possible (look at duke_ his comment).

Not saying they were bad, but defo not a major player. Overhyped because of miruku, their wins vs ee and steve his movie.
Im really wondering why chile didnt apply, they are the most active non-european country in ET atm Imo (except Canada and USA)
avi for UK, callup expected
every1 afraid of Estonia XD!!!
I think croatia would struggle to get 5, let alone 6

sad to hear that:(
I don't know if there's anyone active besides dbs, me and prasko :/
rimi played today on bio :S
slovenia gonna take this 1
Thank god there are 3 captain applications for Romania! ET is alive in Romania! :D
didn't know if i should whine or laugh as i saw the captain applications at some nations
I swearine is really serious! :DDD
idd schmoe just made an amazing job last nc :)
You must login to view applications.

sure....retarded site
Team United Kingdom uk Wakizashiuk More info

atleast he's persistent :)

Belgium Goku

Why they should be the captain: I should be captain because everyone deserves a chance, even the players who ain't that good, and I want to prove to the community that I can be serious when I have to and that I'm not just the random plain CF retard.

Vote for me for a new ET era!

Vote for him fellas :) even lesser skilled people deserve a chance
:DDD die was niet serieus man :D!

explain yourself
avi for Austria <3<3<3<3
I hope Italy wont do this NC since there are almost no active players playing ET

but i suppose 6 randoms will apply and play it with uber failing & shame on italy
serious business
cant find 5 med skilled italiand + ask xylos?
i cant even name 5 italians
I can't even name 4
i'm italian french and english

i could help italian team :D
spng, xylos, mama, vjto, Valentino Rossi
+ vegeta and steviji
I dont play, Xylos i dont think hes going to, mama is nerd, vjto would play vegeta wont play stevji would play
ti perdi tutto il flame su ngi!!
same for Portugal.
nao queres participar nao participas, agora dizeres aos outros para nao participar so porque sim, nao
Não me vês a dizer para não participarem :) Vês-me a dizer que ACHO que não deviam participar porque se já antes não havia players com potencialidade suficiente, no estado actual nem vale a pena comentar quase. É que nem para a 4ª divisão da oc...

Mas se querem manchar ainda mais o nome, go for it. Quem fica mal vistos são os jogadores por isso :P
-nao existem jogadores com a skill de outrora, certo

-o estado actual é mau mas esta relacionado com muitas coisas, existem menos jogadores NO GERAL, nao só existem menos como têm menos skill MAS há os jogadores que há,

-foi criada a NC XV - ET e isso da a opurtunidade de alguns jogadores representarem o seu pais, sejam low sejam high(leia-se med+ no nosso contexto) nao pode ser por isso que se vai afirmar antes sequer de existir um esboço das equipas que vao jogar que esses jogadores vao denegrir a imagem de um pais lol
Qualquer dos jogadores disponiveis do momento não conseguem fazer frente a quase nenhuma das equipas, daí o meu ponto de vista negativo, contudo como já disse, go for it, não é por eu achar má ideia que algo vai mudar...

De qualquer das formas, mesmo que seja convidado, não irei participar...tal como já disse a algumas pessoas, sei admitir os meus limites e como ando semi-activo a alguns meses, a minha skill esta igualmente meia-baixa, dái não achar estar em condições para representar um país!

ps: n deixem ganhar as gajas, se n ai é a destruiçao total.
"dái não achar estar em condições para representar um país!"

nem tu nem ninguem esta neste momento nas condiçoes de jogar a "alto-nivel"
eu acho que nao pode ser por ai que vamos deixar de jogar uma NC

a unica desculpa é so quando ja nao existirem jogadores, ai sim é que nao ha razao para se jogar uma NC
São pontos de vista diferentes ;)
there wont be any Turkey since i dont support this nationscup anymore. if someone else wants to apply then feel free to do so.
i will :p

lineup: Turkey AL1 Sup3r uNDEAd chizz6l Deniz Mustafa
You do realise that every NC (and probably the same for every other cup) from now on will be the lowest yet right?
I want to be the captain this year. Guys said last NC that I should do it!
et is dead in spain since 2008
state of the uk scene rofl
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