Wireless - asus p67-z68

Hey guys, i got a Problem with my Wireless Network. I Just moved to a New flat ans we got a Wireless Network Here But it seems that i am top Dumb to enable it. Fürst of all i have an asus p67-z68 mainboard But i Cant find the Wireless Network Nor some help in the User Manual/or windows7 help. Additionally i am too Dumb to find an answer @google. So inwould really appreciate if some1 can help me with that stuff.

+ i am Sorry for the Big letters ans mistakes but my mobile phone keeps oin changing every word...
Fürst of all
the wireless network might be hidden, if it doesnt show up. if you have the details of it, you should be able to connect to it as a hidden network. or perhaps you have your power settings set to limit wireless adapter power?
Fürst of all
You need a Wireless LAN adapter to connect in your local wireless network. Wlan adapters are very cheap these days.
muhahaha no internet for u !
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