Sad sad day turned into good day

So i made these two journals about my power blowing up and getting new power supply.

So I had these bluescreens yesterday.

Then I tried it more and more, and now its been working without any problem for bit more than 24hours.

Seems like nothing is broken?

How/why it did those bluescreens if nothing was broken?
Tell me :<

ps. got 1x Dota2 Betakey. Best reply gets it(no need to be related to subject of journal)

Tune of the day

Since i have access to my hdd again
image: 5zF6e
Dunno if i have used this one before, propably yes
my pc wont boot anymore :(.
luckily i am not home in the vacation.

Edit: My friend had similar issues, that led to his pc randomly freezing and reseting.

Turned out that his MoBo was broken so that only 1 RAM slot was working correct, so try only 1. Nothing else on my mind...

E: Bad cancerstyle.
this is the best reply you can ever get in your entire life without any doubt.
because i wish you a merry christmas, enjoy your life dude.
You really slurpin on his shit!
Hello Niki,
There are many reasons BSODs to pop out. It is really hard to say what caused yours, it would have been great if you wrote the error code given to paper or something since you can pretty much torubleshoot your BSODs with it.

Can you give more accurate info about blue screens, what were you doing when it popped out or how long your computer had been running?

Did your computer do any harddisk repair or defragment when you started your computer?
I never had enuf time to get the error code.

Blue screens appeared randomly kinda.

Sometimes after 1minute while doing nothing

Then after 5minutes of browsing internet.

Randomly tbh
Impossible to say then:S

May be overheating, virus, software or device problem, hardware errors (might be because of new PSU!), a defective memory system, a dying or dead hard disk , or faulty software and device drivers.

Now computer been on without a single problem after last blue screen.
Which PSU you bought, could be nice if you could link your old one and new one?

If one BSOD appears please write down that error code BSOD gives you.
Well, the old one is.. Old. one

Site links are bugging sometimes so open again if doesent work.
If your computer is not super mega computer that PSU should be enough.
to cheer u up some more ill give u this ( hope u like rock :D) :

cool tune ":D":

GIVE ME da key
pls :( :<
that song? tune of the daY ???????:Xd
no worry m8, i get like 5x bluescreens per day and because of example if i have 2 youtube vids at the same time etc :PPP

some friend said something about memory loss or sumthing, dunno then
sanoppa muuta kato
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