drunk till noon

so today was the oldest croatian tradition before christmas - pechenje pechenke.

so we started today at 7 am, us 6. we prepared 20 l of wine a 10l of beer and some rakija. we baked 3 pechenkas, finished around 11:30. we drank everything there was. now came home, went to the garage for a beer and now drinking it half drunk and enjoying christmas, fuck yeah. I love balkan baby! :)

and tonight my mate's bday, so gonna bury myself there and try to score something :)

anyways here are the pics:

image: s1m179

image: wiujyp

image: delfh4

my mate blowing the alcohol meter (dunno the english term). he blew 1.20 which was max. hahah I wonder what would it be if it could have measured more :D
i could watch you for a lifetime, you're my favourite movie
Nice tradition, would kill for a piece of Pechenka!

Marry x-mas neighbour!

Today we make LAN and drink bears and fuck virtual models!
merrry christamas man. if u're near the hood stop by for some pechenka :)
looks naiz
only on balkan baby <3
we had a rly good balkan restaurant in town, but they closed 2 years ago :(
I think you spelled nazi wrong
damn that Pechenka makes me hungry :D
That makes me hungry
Looks disgusting.
the fuck u know fucking snowman
pechenje pechenke maybe?
true, gonna correct it :)
sorry i only eat food that comes out of clean boxes else it disgusts me
that's why u so fit and handsome
i was mocking people :(
Smoked > 150€ of weed yesterday till 6am with 2 friends. feels good
cool guy :OooOoOoooooo
balkan is so 18th century...
yea man!
do you need to drink that?
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