good xbox360 gamz

recommend me some g00t xbox games
probably some rpg or fps/rpgish

played borderlands ,gow alrdy

horror games r welcome too
lol xbox360+good, nope
ps3 sucks compairing to xbox360, simply because xbox360 has much better games and better graphics
please explain your trashtalk
Troll alert.
Call of duty, battlefield, saints row 3 and skate
Fifa 12
EA MMA , all gow parts assasin creed halo
Kinect Family Adventures. Bringing you & your granny together with Salsa!
LA Noir (I didnt liked it that much, maybe you do)
Fifa ofc
Ninja Gaiden
Bayonetta - best hack and slash game ever
all halo 3 series
GOW, fifa 12 ( care if its not fps ) best game for me really is fifa 12 never gets boring online... WWE 12 is pretty awsome to.
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