RTCW 2011 looking back

what do you say about making a RTCW 3o3 LADDER ?
rather have taht cup imo :p you better post some more news on cf, i can help you if you like

focus on : no cdkey needed, if run succesfully -> prizemoney
working on it! prizes will come after 1st cup, it all depends if it gets enough interest!
merry xmas homie :p will you host some 1day cup? (xmas special)
image: santa
no :p but i hope the cf xmas pub server will be active (altho i doubt it)

next odc is in february ;)
Wow, you seem to be a hero.
lol @the pic
This does look a bit as if you are searching for attention :P but you deserve it nonetheless, the people that are giving the ungrateful/sarcastic responses are the cancer of ET and if it were up to me they should all get banned.

On a side note, if only you did this for ET! :D ( Ik speel trouwens nu en dan op die xmas rtcw pub, is eigenlijk best leuk! )
wasnt really trying to brag or anything with it tho :p just wanted to show some ppl i still care about rtcw i guess
i only support rtcw cause its the only game i still want to play rly. and i wouldnt do it for et as i dont know the community so well and so many tards on it + rtcw > et (imo)
thx btw :)
what about the map conversions ?
Indd homie i hope you're work will let ppl think about how awesome rtcw is :)
Belgium homiee

We will finally host the cup between 26 and 30 december
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