RTCW 2011 looking back
24 Dec 2011, 14:48
things i've done this year for rtcw community :)
- made an update on rtcw 1.0 pack (january)
- converted adlernest to rtcw (february)
- ezbh 3v3 odc #1 (27 february)
- ezbh 6v6 cup #1 (april)
- ezbh 3v3 odc #2 (29 july)
- ezbh 3v3 odc #3 (11 september)
- ezbh 3v3 odc #4 (20 november)
- made cf.nu osp pub server with fietser (december)
one love
focus on : no cdkey needed, if run succesfully -> prizemoney
next odc is in february ;)
On a side note, if only you did this for ET! :D ( Ik speel trouwens nu en dan op die xmas rtcw pub, is eigenlijk best leuk! )
i only support rtcw cause its the only game i still want to play rly. and i wouldnt do it for et as i dont know the community so well and so many tards on it + rtcw > et (imo)
thx btw :)
We will finally host the cup between 26 and 30 december