Merry Christmas y0

Hello friends!

NetherlandsI want to wish everyone on crossfire a merry christmas :)

Especially to EuropeDevastationm8's, my 4apiano friends]Czech Republicslax, NetherlandsFagxis, Spainmarricon, EstoniaHOPPY, Finlandinna, FinlandHyrtti, the whole NetherlandssAiko gang, the powners from Netherlandsdraakjes and to my other friends and friendettes like Netherlandspds, NetherlandsCarlosNetherlandsadeto, NetherlandsTesti, NetherlandsLoekino, NetherlandsHenk, NetherlandsTony, Netherlandsrezta SurinamePHOTOSYNTHESIS, Anonymousbanaan, GermanyGemb, Germanyvioly, PortugalBasty, Portugalpunky, PortugalVoid, United Kingdompotty, United Kingdomhste, United KingdomEthr, United KingdomiDan, BelgiumBoss, BelgiumKevin, AustriaDonMatthias, EstoniaManzz, EstoniaNukits!

I probably forgot to write a few of you down, but thats cuz I'm in a hurry! ;)

Have a nice evening and I hope you get a lot of presents and get drunk as fuck!

image: sexy_christmas_girls_wallpaper_e3334
image: christmas

Zalig kerstfeest he vriend (: jammer dat je er niet was...
ik vond het ook jammer ;) Was het wel gelukt met de trein? ;p
ja xD was gewoon in den bosch opgestapt nu dan eassyy
goedzo ^^ wel beetje teleurgesteld in je aantal!
ik had er net zoveel op als Eddo maar hij at zo snel en ik was echt vol xD
merry christmas ironic mate :P
i knew i forgot some people! merry christmas to you aswell bro ;)
merry xmas ironic vriend, thanks for zeh shoutout :3
Although its not my favourite holiday, I wish you a merry christmas aswell!

This one is for you:
image: 147564
Merry xmas cutie <3
Merry xmas cutie :)
jij ook gezellige feestdagen jongeman, geen shoutout :(
Merry xmas :>

QuoteI probably forgot to write a few of you down, but thats cuz I'm in a hurry! ;)

image: okay2vibelive
woke up and saw a flood of fucking xmas journals
are the mods sleeping or something? this is retarded
mry xmas ironic <3
Ok dankje
ee dankjewel en jij ook fijne feestdagen vriend :*
crazy xmas toegewenst
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