[DRAAKJES] doing xmas

Team - [DRAAKJES] wishes you the best merry christmas and all the best gaming for the new year

Special wishes to our fans (you will receive your card shortly together with your favorite [DRAAKJES]-player t-shirt. Thanks for predordering!)

If you want to meet us, come to our [DRAAKJES] VIP Club at oldyear's eve. L4mpje will show some insane real life moves.

image: TmIL5

] House
I'm not a fan of Draakjes BUT! There is a BUT! I am a fan of you!
u got post rights? looool

WankWankWankWankWankWankWankWankWankWank................AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAH! 8)
I'm not a fan of Draakjes BUT! There is a BUT! I am a fan of you!
draakjes such a nice group:)
I am fan of l4mpje so also [DRAAKJES].

e: L4mpje's House]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o3Q14Hnjuo
Finland KRP XMAS > Netherlands DRAAKJES XMAS
i'm only a fan of lampje.
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