making fun of people who couldn't set-up life @ decent level, because they're on their own in another country is bad.
are you sure that you will be able to provide for yourself and family for the rest of ur days? because world is ruthless - diseases, addictions, random accidents, tricky wifes (XD). unless you're very rich (even though money doesn't fix all the problems) you will never know.
so watch out because you can fall off even harder, even as pure belgian
shit happens but you don't have to spread it everywhere and trying to make fun out of other people, do you?
you can even look at steve jobs, he had so much money yet the disease got him.
so doesnt matter whats someones problem in life, theres no fun to make of it because you never know what hits you.
ik snap niet waarom die daar dan blijft, ga naar de gemeente toe en vraag of ze iets voor je kunne regele om terug naar pole te gaan voor een iets beter leven.
are you sure that you will be able to provide for yourself and family for the rest of ur days? because world is ruthless - diseases, addictions, random accidents, tricky wifes (XD). unless you're very rich (even though money doesn't fix all the problems) you will never know.
so watch out because you can fall off even harder, even as pure belgian
shit happens but you don't have to spread it everywhere and trying to make fun out of other people, do you?
you can even look at steve jobs, he had so much money yet the disease got him.
so doesnt matter whats someones problem in life, theres no fun to make of it because you never know what hits you.
ow en hoe komt die aan die sigaretten dan?