DotA 2!!

Someone please give/trade a DotA 2 key for me.

Can offer you a VIP torrentleech user (ratio doesent matter) - lasts for 9 more months, BRINK and CS:S. And sexual favours over internet.

Estonia mant let me try one game on his account and this was the image: 20210

Give your Dota 2 keys to me, you don't deserver them!


ps2. Anyone who uses an invite between 00:00:00 Server time (EST) on the 25th of December 2011 through to 23:59:59 Server time (EST) on the 1st of January 2012 will be entered in a draw, the more invites you use the more entries and chances of winning you'll have. Several random draws will be done daily from the names of all new members registered and if one of your invitee's name is drawn you and all of your invitees will be awarded 25 GB of upload credit each
SA IKKA HULL KÄRRI, aga noh.. saad kasutaja ja siis võib paar mängu koos teha
you still don't have one? even after playdota 4000 christmas draw? I got 1 from the draw today, too bad I already gave it away..
omg big viper plays

not as big as my 2nd game in dota pudge
haha noob, using my pic to get key, that was ofc me owning..
I'll trade you invite for something, drop me a pm if you still want
facebook tactic working yet?
40mins 80cs big plays
200cs 30min is izi
Even mant got invite :((( I guess it's normal considering the fact they mostly invite total noobs or LoL amateurs...( don't feel bad mant bro ! :D ) 1/16 with riki , 4/12 with sniper and 5/12 with zeus... the skill level of beta pool is amazing :XD - I've heard it was pretty bad but didn't really take it seriously until now :P
u get matched with players that are about your skill so go figure
don't really get the point of your reply though :>
Look at all his replies, he thinks he's a dota2 pro or something.

Guess those 2,000 games at 1600mmr in HoN made him experienced in the genre lol.

Edit: the point of his reply was to call you shit.
Yeah I know carlito talks bullshit, even more reason to provoke him and see more interesting stuff :D
Replace "interesting" with "retarded" and I agree.
i don't feel bad, i've never played LoL and played HoN once, I used to play Dota a few times a few years ago :D and I didn't get my invite from steam but from an ET player :p
:D how have u been anyways, I see you still play ET !
rarely play :( just some mixes now and then, will be more active once NC hits tho :) i'm playing quake more nowadays if I have time, how about you?
well I haven't played et for a few months now - didn't play actively any other games though and it's been fine - I planned on playing dota 2 a bit but as you can see there are no invites to be seen !
someone give me a key plz

I dont want to play HoN on garena CIS servers
opponents seem good yes :P
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