Skyrim PC/PS3

Yo guys!

i got skyrim on pc but its not playable for i decided to buy it on ps3 because i really want to play it.

soooo, do you have any experience with skyrim on ps3?
is it good?
is it worth to buy on ps3?
is the control good?

thank you
Quotebut its not playable for me

oh, how i laugh with the stupidity of people sometimes
i guess referring to u not checking recommended pc specs
i got it for free so i dont mind about that ;P
It's may a lag, check out later
I was like that, seems like 1-2fps at start, the next day arround 30-60 dunno but its nice
absolutly worth it !!!
i love it :)
hast du da mit probleme? das game soll ja ruckler etc haben. bei ner bestimmten speichergröße
naja bei mir is so... wenn ich lang spiel fängts an zu ruckeln... aber wenn ich dann die ps3 kurz abdreh und dann wieder einschalt läufts wieder flüssig
If you give a shit about your life don't do it, if you choose to join the Nerd side then.. go for it.
as the game is mediocre with mods on pc , it will prolly be horrible for ps3
lol'd how u comment on every Skyrim related content on this website
it was a bit disappointing imo
>Playing Elder Scrolls games on console
You are a terrible person

Also skyrim is full of bugs and you cant mod the game on console.
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