Insane: MUST SEE

whut the f*ck?!
Did i step to timemachine?
did u step out from house for once during christmas or did u spend ur time going round youtube?
What if he doesn't live in a house?
did u see me playing or in irc in whole xmas time? I got back yesterday from mökiltä where i spend whole xmas.
third time i see it on cf

+ everyone know how skilled is MUSTEE !
Old, seen it multiple times on CF
wasnt insane but it was quite Germany mental
image: repost

but thx for trying
i went back in time oh shi
lol soccer nerds are soo mad right now
u mean football fans
nah i mean soccer nerds. dey so mad yall
ye those football nerds doing somersaults all the time during goal celebration but its obviously a big deal when a handegg fat nigger does it
okay, so if soccer isnt gay, why is it allowed to move the ball with the head?

coz soccer players enjoy having balls on their head (and face olol)

yall mad tho?
so if handegg isnt gay how comes the QB has his hands at the balls of "the guy with the egg" every offense?
well i got the strange feeling that there is some jealousy implied in your text...migth this be the case eh? you jealous of not being the guy touching some strong mans big balls with both of your hands eh? all you can get is some soccer fags tiny ausschwitz body
image: 357vp3
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