your Facebook groups

What are your Facebook Groups?

What are the best? the most helpful, the most funny etc.

For me it's "Facebook Flohmarkt" it's like a Facebook eBay for my region.
have one group for my studyplace and one group for my home. In both groups are my closest friends and every week we can discuss about for example: going out to the club, meeting at the city or at which time the next Universitylesson is ;) very helpful and cool
some fungroups with (different) friends.
One of my favorite bar where they put the names of the dj's that are coming and opening and closing hours and stuff like that.
3 groups of 'chiro'.
chiro is vo janette!
stoere jonge!
scoutte ftw!
no offence, but seriously, who gives a fuck : Y
Everton fc always get my links before the game if i havent gone to watch :)
Buddy- / drinking -group to announce parties and organize stuff.
Buy / sell / give away -stuff -group for nearby people.
Poker -group among some friends, good way to set up evening games and live-games.
all that you can do through inbox. so what's the point of making pointless groups
If we got around 20 to +100 per group, how else you can do it? Ask everyone one by one that "hey, you don't have to have an extra HDMI-cable which I could by?"
I meant buddy and poker groups are pointless
Umm, no? If we are scheduling a game, it is way easier to post suggestions there where you everyone can see them and conversate on the same topic so that there won't be any missunderstandings.

Same goes for the buddy-groups, now we are planning cabin-trip, way easier to disguss what everyone brings food- and drink-wise + the rides etc.
u just tag people in inbox and talk. that way no irritating notifications when some faggot posts a thing that's not related to u. way easier
Pfff, got no words...
glad I opened ur eyes ":D"
Yea, earlier I never realized that you were retarded :D
am not! I'm just right
Dude, if I admitted that you are right, we both would be wrong.

ok, compromise - I'm slightly more right than u are, saaaay 57% to ur 43%
Some group for random basketball games, thats about it.

So much flemish racism in the comments, that's awesome.
My favorite one happened when Di Rupo made his oath as prime minister :D
one for my course friends, one for people in my house (there are 9, so its easier to organise), one for close friends i lived in the same building with last year. Others for my subjects football team etc
Getting drunk with your mother so she can show you how to be pijan kao majka

best facebook group evah!!!
too many :/
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