Homer's morning journal

My first time hah!^^

So, I woke up at 7 am, went to a shop to buy some cheese (4kg) and salad (9 kg). Basically, I'm preparing a New Year's party and I got 103 guests including myself :D We'll have 2 dancefloors - one salsa of course, another one with "normal" music my friends like. That's the 2nd image: playlist, just need to sort out the order. So you know how I'm going to celebrate that event, what about you?

Most of the things needed I already bought, some will be prepared @ the party day.

Plans for today: watch a movie, maybe sort out the playlist today (but rather tomorrow / friday). Yours?

Now, I go sleep again, cause I was watching NBA at night (Hawks destroyed Nets, Heat beat Celtics) ;D

image: funny_reality-tv
you're having a NYE party so you went to buy some cheese :D
Sound like my kinda party tbh :( If cheese on sticks ill be there!
cause your dutch..
I am not :(
I can't find Rick Astley in your playlist
ur party will suck hard because the guests will suck hard
At work, counting income taxes, value added taxes, pension payments and other shit. Have to make an offer for selling myself to the company in order to get a contract for next year.

Damn, I never even realized that there is so much to fiddle with.

At the moment I have number 24€ on my calculator, after you take off the taxes & payments, it comes around 15€ to my hand, does that sound about right?

EDIT: Pfff, just found another 19% to be stolen from me, have to add that too...
At work, not doing anything, lol!

nah not really, kind of busy today. a bit. somehow.

hope your party goes well!
woke up at 8 am, had some breakfast
Started downloading 'the kill list' and then started studying
gl with the party ;)
elektryczne gitary <3 ale z kanikulami to zes pojechal :XD

my planned shopping for NYE:
-0,5l Zoladkowa DeLuxe
-0,5l Zoladkowa DeLuxe
-Lucky Strike's red
-Chesterfield's red 100's

and keep on rolling <3
I woke up, wanted to watch the rest of Heat vs. Celtics but u had to spoil. Moron!!!
Woke at 6, had breakfast and took the bus for an hour to work. Best bus trip ever because there were 3 Germany chicks talking with each other and apparently this annoyed another passenger (who tried to sleep) who started insulting them "3 stupid bitches, so selfish bitches" every time he looked at them. When he got off the bus he turned around a last time and yelled loudly "3 fucking stupid bitches!!!". Hilarious.

Nice day at work too, been here now for 3 hours and have done jack shit. Not a single call, oh yeah. Hopefully it'll stay like this in the afternoon and tomorrow morning, so I can enter my 1,5 day off quite relaxed.
lol that playlist :D
Don't have much plans, but alcohol will be involved that's for sure! nommmmmmmm

Plans for today: I have 5 assignments to be done for next week, just finishing my second will start another later on. Also need to revise for 2 exams ;_; not going to happen though :D
U back at school?
College ja, 2nd year doing automotive engineering x)
I thought you was working in some factory :x
Finished there some time ago now!
are you having this add your home?
Nope, rented a club:)
Eating breakfast, going to sleep soon. Bought a new mouse yesterday night, so nerds gonna get rolled :)
And not a single fuck was given that day.
Quotejust need to sort out the order

Play it on SHUFFLE? :O
all clear, but what about merch :D?
That playlist looks like something Satan himself would play when the world ends.
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