3on3 ladder

Hi cf,

cuz last month i got spammed hard about 3n3 conflicts and so on, i decided to take spot as admin in 3n3 ladder, so since today u can pmme with problems, match results atm. So keep on playing and have a nice day :)

image: lv6ogr9z
unban randomz with mental! :D
What i find sad is that you have players or teams (the finest) who report other players/teams that are going to threaten their number 1 spot. I mean, Queens challenged them on a respectable time and date so they counter challenged for that very day (which they countered) at 4am in the morning which obviously we couldnt play or accept (well apart from razz :DDDD). If anything you guys should be removed for your gayness. No im not mad, just find it hilarious how much this ladder means to ppl that they bend the rules to stay number 1 and report other players or teams.

Who gives a shit if they are playing with other teams, alright the rules say you cant, but these rules are like 4 years old at time when ET was active. Jesus Christ.

EDIT: http://www.gamestv.org/event/29725-team-exitium-vs-juurviljad/

I would also like to take this time to urge someone to report ext3/the finest for having players playing for 2 different teams. As you can see in this match link and http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1595911 that devix webe (nalle) and miraya aka pds are in both teams.
it's not about playing for other teams, it's about some players having 3-4 clans on the ladder and playing for all those clans with same lineups in fear of losing points with their main clan

and unless those players have played for both clans with 2 or more same players per match in last 14 days it doesn't mean anything

btw, challenge them again, repeated rejection and avoidance is punishable
Well devix and webe (Nalle) play for the 1st lineup in the finest and played for ext3 a few times. I dont see the difference between this and the randomz shit.

there is no difference except that for some reason CB only acts if those matches were played in the last 2 weeks and finest match was played in november

but doesn't matter, as I said, challenge finest again, if they manipulate the challenge so you can't accept just report them, they will get removed
......And then there are people who dont play with many different teams but they ignore almost every challenge just in fear of losing points and causing the ladder(s) more and more inactive which is hilarious. Lets drop the whole points thingy since it seems people are having serious issues with losing points
you have all sorts of pointslovers, I'm always up for losing points
I've an open mind.
get them ross
wow, after the masterpiece you're now there? unban randomZ and we'll keep the ladder active
uh, just saw now, you got 3 months suspension?! you should've gotten 1 month since it's your first offence
3 months will do.
should be still 3 since he knew he was doing it wrong
Razz gon' be happy
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