Post workout meal #2 !


epic shit ( 280g tilapia fish, 120g durum pasta, 25ml linseed oil and water)

u like ? yes? no?

and ofc best bobbilder ever lived.

tell me how much calcium and magnesium are in the water and i tell u if i like this shit or not
care to elaborate because I have no idea what you're on about.
forget it

there are some differences between good and bad water. Some just have ~60mg calcium and ~5mg magnesium and others have ~350mg calcium and ~110mg magnesium

but dont take it too serious
will you stop measuring your god damn food
Just put your food on the plate like a normal person and nom it all up, but don't like it.
nerd eating in front of computer

like a nerd

" hey guys, i workout 8) "
Et c'est toi qui dit ça, ont aura tout entendu :D
looking @ something you never become.
i would still smash your ugly face at lan
that's too bad brother.
only if you look at me wrong
get normal face and muscles first.
why would someone want to look like that?

u prefer this?
no i dont, but looking like that is just ugly imo
actually his phisique is the best ever so ur brain is fucked up.
yeah that might be but i bet he cant even wear a normal tshirt xD

IMO its just crazy to aim to look like that, just get a nice condition and i bet when you are 40+ you still look normal and not like muck from pokemon

image: muk
sure buddy, why would i workout if my muscles are gonna deflate some day? good thinking.
first of all u might still look great even at 60+ if u workout and eat properly, secondly why u study or whatever coz some day ure gonna forget everything u've learned in ur entire life?
you think arnold schwarzenegger looks good? seriously commit suicide idiot
I meant his body from his golden days u skinny nerd.
yon think his body from the golden days looks good? seriously commit suicide idiot
I bet u look like shit. u have no idea what bb is and u're eating potate chips right now. u should go kill yourself
if you look like arnie you look like shit son, as said above commit suicide idiot
Quotewhy u study or whatever coz some day ure gonna forget everything u've learned in ur entire life?

not sure if...
majority of girls like athletic figures more than muscular ones (like schwarzy had). Just because one has biggest muscles doesnt mean he happens to be attractive.
that's what they say BUT subconsciously when a girl see a muscular guy even like arnold not epic big motherfuckers, she feels safety at that guy. and ofc u must be good looking , rich, smart or whatever to impress her , epic body is just an extra "bonus" (which helps a lot).
you are so fucking stupid, in the end its all about personality skinny or fat or musculair

cancer retardous hokuspokussssssssssss
for an ugly girl it's all about personality u're right.
so you want a shallow girl that stays 3 months max?
lol you are definately going for the dumb bitches, ohh well fits to you

and id like to repeat myself, commit suicide idiot
yes only dump bitches look at appearance, good point. and why u so mad brah? I smell 150cm , redhead , 56kg dumb nerd.
rumors say arni just got a small part of his wiener inside a pussy since his legmuscles were so insanely big.

but have you ever thought about why so many guys go for body building? basically for the chickazz. its hard to improve your personality, smartness, natural looks and partly your wealth. however, the easiest thing to improve is the shape of your body.

think about it!
u didnt get my point
You know, there's more to life than hoes.
Like broes.
whats that oil 4?
diesel oil h3h3h
no pain, no gain.
I like except bottle water, just way too unhealthy.
why is that?
Quote 25ml linseed oil

Quoteafter a workout

I seriously hope you guys dont do this
I know that's a mistake but i dont give a fuck u ugly fat piece of shit.
why are u measuring ur food then?
you ugly skinny nerd!! go to gym or leave cf
Do you mean the measuring thing or actually consuming the oil after a workout? If so, what's wrong with it?

I'm not taking any, just wondering :-P
The measuring is extremely stupid(wo)
And consuming oil after workout isn't something needed( at all), it's not critical but not smart either( moslt causes the body to slow the protein system) can't find the word)
He didn't consume any fast protein anyway
You should concentrate only on carbs + proteins when making post-workout meal.
actually I didn't mention that I consumed bcaa, whey and vitargo immedietely after workout. This meal was about 1,5 hour after workout.
piwko juice
looooooooooooooooooooool!!! ugly fuck!!!
i want to look like moldu, fuchs or tites

not like arnie.
thanks for the egoboost, m8 :)
ur welcome bro ;)
hol hol hol,
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