Post workout meal #2 !
28 Dec 2011, 22:19
epic shit ( 280g tilapia fish, 120g durum pasta, 25ml linseed oil and water)
u like ? yes? no?
and ofc best bobbilder ever lived.
epic shit ( 280g tilapia fish, 120g durum pasta, 25ml linseed oil and water)
u like ? yes? no?
and ofc best bobbilder ever lived.
there are some differences between good and bad water. Some just have ~60mg calcium and ~5mg magnesium and others have ~350mg calcium and ~110mg magnesium
but dont take it too serious
like a nerd
" hey guys, i workout 8) "
u prefer this?
IMO its just crazy to aim to look like that, just get a nice condition and i bet when you are 40+ you still look normal and not like muck from pokemon
first of all u might still look great even at 60+ if u workout and eat properly, secondly why u study or whatever coz some day ure gonna forget everything u've learned in ur entire life?
not sure if...
cancer retardous hokuspokussssssssssss
and id like to repeat myself, commit suicide idiot
but have you ever thought about why so many guys go for body building? basically for the chickazz. its hard to improve your personality, smartness, natural looks and partly your wealth. however, the easiest thing to improve is the shape of your body.
think about it!
Like broes.
I seriously hope you guys dont do this
I'm not taking any, just wondering :-P
And consuming oil after workout isn't something needed( at all), it's not critical but not smart either( moslt causes the body to slow the protein system) can't find the word)
He didn't consume any fast protein anyway
not like arnie.