i used to be an adventurer

then i took this journal to the knee:D

hey funny vid here:




and btw i just bought skyrim on my new ps3 and im at Ödlandsturz and i dunno how i kill those skeletons to get the dragonstone :(

Btw i chose dark elfe or so does that mean i must do mage?

Arrow in the knee jokes arent and never were funny. No idea why people still make them.

+ Skyrim is a boring game.
agree, such a boring meme
It actually was quite funny but then the entire Internet started using it and all the nerds were butthurt.

True story.
You dont have to go mage, you can do whatever you want. Dark elves just have most of the magic-oriented skills higher than other races at the beginning, mainly destruction and such( http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Races_(Skyrim) ); which doesnt really matter once you get to a higher level.
I used to make arrow to the knee jokes then I took an arrow to the knee :D
"you want to be friends with the shit smered mongoloids that like this stupid fucking meme garbage?"

hehehe better post this on the internet real quick, no matter im over a month late D::D:D:D:D
well acctually i wanted to ask how i come further in ödsturzland

kannst nicht lesen du opfer
doesnt change the fact that you posted a "no more arrow to the knee jokes video" in an "arrow to the knee journal" and threw in some FUS RO DA for good measure.
that kinda makes you a retard, an over a month late retard at that.
also how can you possibly have missed out on morrowind, oblivion and fallout?
experience in any of these games would make you know extactly what to do.
oh wait "ps3" u most be even more of a shit smered mongoloid than i thought.
haha :)

uhm sorry its not like i nerd all the day like you and play all games :( just bought skyrim
or ofc you could play less of a dead game and play the goty instead which all of those have been.
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