Sad Dublin is sad.

I don't know what's up with these people. There are a bunch of pathetic rules and habits here.

First of all, every pub and club closes it's doors at 2.30 am.
Second, there won't be fireworks on NYE :-((
Third, even on NYE pubs and clubs won't make an exception and will close at 2u30 am.
Fourth, you can't buy alcohol in shops after 22h. Not even plain beer. Very annoying if you're having an unexpected houseparty and run out of beer.

And fifth, there are no pretty Irish chicks. Every Irish chick wears 5 kg make up on her face, it's ridiculous. Haven't been everywhere yet, so I desperately hope I'm just going to the wrong places.

Ah well, that's off my chest.

On the other hand, Belgium has internet where you have to pay for GB of downloaded/uploaded shit.
There's a download limit here too =)
Well then, I guess you could just go back to Belgium.
how come i haven't got one :D
We have one with UPC.
same here, no limit, got 4laptops+ my pc in the house someone is always downloading stuff, parents dling series,movies etc, sister dling music/movies etc, i dl games/music/movies/pr0n etc.. :D but we do pay a bit more i think, if you have the cheapest contract you probably do have limits :D
We paid 92€ this month because some South Korean roommate downloaded more than 500 GB 2 months ago.We're trying to downgrade the contract to one of the lowest (35€ or something) but it's a bit complicated because the bill is adressed to somebody who hasn't lived in this appartement for close to a year.
UPC don't charge you for over using they just threaten to cut you off.. there is limits on there service apart from the 50/100mb line.. i'm on 50.
Well, my roommates just left the house to go pay the bill, which amounts to 92€.
>implying your sister doesnt load porn
>implying your parents dont load porn
Isn't it possible to get a limitless one?
Buy enough so you won't run out. Or buy more from neighbours. And drink till the girls look good.
Meh tomorrowland... hope they have a decent lineup next year
Overmorgen first names.
ah nice didn't know :P never been there due to it being as expensive as pukkelpop/more expensive as Dour and the line-ups never being really good.
Will do it in Ireland this summer!

E: took you only 3 attempts to get the post how you want it, not bad.
Took you only 5000 journals to mess up your bike tour, impulsive fuck.
Just stick to the facts, you're funnier that way.
doors close at 2.30 in holland too.
Smart move, right ?!
Parties only start at 1am here (I mean, doors open then)
lame clubs full of gays and too-maked-up brainless retarded girls

no thx
Closing Pubs is mandatory in Estonia too, but some just dont do it.

And you cant buy alcohol after 22h here as well. Quite normal for a civilized country.
lol in poland you can buy alcohol 24/7 :D
nothing special in there
QuoteQuite normal for a civilized country.

why poland isnt a civilized country? any argues :D?
by that definition Germany is anything but civilized :(
You drink beer like we drink vodka.

We need that 22h. Otherwise Estonians would drink themselves to death + do so much criminal shit.
also EE is further north and there are studies which suggest that the lack of sunlight drives people into depression and acohol addiction.
im gonna kill the sun as soon as it shows up, should be in 2 weeks or so! always though it was because of me so its kinda a relief to know that
english chicks, the only ones i have seen all wear loads of makeup
You are drinking in the wrong bars.

Where are you living? Pints next week?
Close to Parnell Street, in Phibsborough.

And I probably am, considering that I usually go out with colleagues in Temple Bar district, but even when I'm going to work/shop/just walking around Dublin I barely find any goodlooking girl that doesn't wear 5kg of make up.
Where in temple bar you been going exactly? Because if its the pubs around temple bar then you won't find any nice looking girls in there.

You been to Alchemy in temple bar?

The Palace on camden street?


Wrights -

and just to tell you very few Irish girls would go with a foreigner.. there are a few who like black guys but thats about it.

About everywhere closing early thats because of EU law.. most places have to close at these times unless they are granted a special licence for late opening hours, my local pub stays open till 2:30 for instance. and I THINK tripod stays open till 3:30 at least it used to.
The Kitchen, Diceys, The Mezz, Temple Bar pub itself, Porterhouse, and a few others i cannot remember.
Yea just as I was thinking you're going to the old man pubs around temple bar ha.. apart from :

Purdys Kitchen is a shit hole.. full of kids.

Diceys is alright to expensive tho 6 euro for a bottle of beer on weekends cheaper on thursdays for student nights

The Mezz/the globe is more of a rocker place i dont go near it

Should try Dandelion beside stevens green too.. or Copper Faced Jacks if you're looking for sluts..

and Krystal up the road is where all the "famous" irish people go.

and I heard howl at the moon is good too!
Im going to Wrights (near Swords, right?) one of the next weekends with a roommate.

Btw, does Cratloe mean anything to you? I got a msg from a certain Shane from the Cratloe gang I supposedly met on a drunk friday night but I cannot remember a thing, and texting back 'who are you' is so rude!
Bit late now, but It's a place thats all it means to me really!
"and just to tell you very few Irish girls would go with a foreigner.. there are a few who like black guys but thats about it. "

Withmy ginger hair and freckles I look like a proper Irish bloke!
What, you got some better joints for me? :D
I usually just follow my friends because I don't know anything decent in Dublin.
Are any of your friends Irish?
No. My roommates were Brazilian, my colleagues from work are French/Dutch/Spanish.
Yeh I get you Arcade, when you meet up you fucking SMASH HIS FUCKING TEETH IN.
Smash some beers in his fucking tits. ~
Where abouts do you live?
I live in Meath, about an hour bus ride from city centre, I would drink there maybe once a month or so, usually for a special occasion or something, drinking all day making an idiot of myself with friends.
Clubbing in China still the best.
Je wilt toch perse verhuizen naar Ierland dan weet je toch van te voren dat er zulk soort dingen zijn.
Dat weet je toch pas als je er ter plaatse bent. Ik ga er alleszins geen research voor doen op voorhand, het is namelijk niet iets dat beslist of ik ergens ga wonen of niet.

Maar het is wel een ergernis ;-)
I use Madventures as my guide to navigate out of this rat-race machine of Babylon.
I wish you the best of luck!
yeh when i came to ireland took me a few years to get used to the girls, but now that i didn't go back to Lithuania for 2years they look alright to me..but as soon as i go to lithuania for holidays and get back here ill need some time to get used to them again...They really do wear too much makeup but they need to, they really are ugly :)
Haha, okay, good to know I'm not the only one who feels like that.

Where about do you live in Dublin?
Damn, no chances of bumping into you on a bus or on the street it seems.
well i do go to city center quite a lot, dno might go to city center tomorrow :)
yeah ireland is pretty poor
well i assume you are supposed to work there, and not to grab some irish pussy
pussy is good for the moral
but you do know that there's a life outside ones job, don't you?! :)
There are SO many good looking girls in Dublin! You must be looking in the wrong places bruv!
I dearly hope so.
I'll be over in April. I'll get you a good looking girl! :D
challenge accepted :-)
girls are not that bad imo!
Seeing that you are from belgium i really have to wonder how you managed to move to the only european country thats even worse.
i mean what are the odds?
Yeah, stupid me. I should've moved to Greece, or Italy or Poland instead.

Please refrain from replying if you dont have anything better to say.
for nice girls,clubs and night life u should visit Bucharest
For the 24 hours nonstop fireworks all laround the city ,
For the pretty Blond girls with short skirt and the hot guys,
The country which produces the best beers and have pubs and coffee shops open 24/7.

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