Best movie 2011 !

1 word. Enjoy.

Movie with perfect editing :)
nice but overedited
did it won an oscar?
sry, didnt like :(
didnt like it at all
Meh, was kinda ugly tbh with all that editing. By far the best movie ever imo
This movie is best gaming movie ever created.

Mixed music really fits and it is awesome, frag syncs are divine and frag itselfs are godlike( altough there is some fake frags). Any gaming movie cannot reach this movies flow.
you know most frags are fake? :/ but its good ur right ;)
Im pretty certain all of the frags are fake, but what about it? The movie itself is edited nicely and in great sync with the music.
well nice editing and shit but i hate thosem ovies where you actually cant remember a frag :(
i liked cableguy more
The Leet World a funny show made in Garry's mod/Counter Strike Source not from 2011 :P
was addicted to that shit :D
Too much editing
stfu bro
Scatman , best rifler 2011 & 2012 qq
i couldnt read any text that guy showed in his movie (apart from the frags)

overedited as fuck

althought i liked it combined with the music tho
Didn't like it at all.
It's too slow and way over edited.
However I did enjoy the music.

Reminds me of MiX(eP)'s Alive.
Quote1 word. Enjoy.

I count three words.
since this is about cs movie this is my favourite:

nice and clean.
Shit music and that was a clip, not a movie!:p
shit music cause u know shit bout music,for me is good music that u ll never about the timing,real life movies,i can show u thousands which lasts from 2 3 minuts up to 15 minuts and won much prizes,so comment is invalid

happy new year:)
Since when have thousands of fragmovies been winning prizes? And also, if you are talking about films, a feature film is a film that lasts atleasts 40mins, any other film is considered short film so your argument would be invalid there too. And i said shit music because i don't see rap and fps shooting walk hand in hand.
short films are not considered films?since i can t remember one short as u called it,who won some prize at berlin festival few years ago,i wont continue this argue,now about hip hop music and fps shooting is a matter of taste,if u check cod movies u will find thousand on eminem or dr dre or other rappers,and talking about et check kamz this is et or yours trllully ruipperi polarsoul,on which the first song is hip hop,so pls stop,what i like u dont have to like too,neither the way around.
happy new year
K, so basically we are both right? settled then
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