3D Animation

Sickest 3d animation ive ever seen :o


anyone wanna get owned at fifa 2012? (pc version)

just add me: RazZaH

image: ulbjy5sq

image: 3r8g7ma8
fifa - the game where ANYBODY thinks hes any good
playing 2. liga atm ;(
the league system doesnt reward good players, it rewards nerds playing all day long
thats not true. the higher you play, the better are the players. If you play in the first league, then ypu have to be pretty decent in this game, eventho it doesnt mean that you are highskilled or something.
you get more points for a win then you would lose for a defeat. that means you just have to play alot because even if you lose 4 times, 1 win will make it even.that makes it possible even for mediocore players to reach the upper leagues by just playing alot of games because you dont really lose much even if you dont win
so they deserve to get in the first league because they prac more than others
LOL, playing or praccing 24/7 doesnt make you a FC Barcelona player in real life too, does it?
whats LOL about it? I started squad.ee with jyrkz and we used to play in 3rd,4th division, we kept pracing and now squad.ee is in Eurocup (i am not playing anymore but it doesnt matter, point remains the same) now u are saying pracing doesnt help? i think in gaming what mostly matters is pracing, ofcourse you gotta have a talent but it isnt the only thing, and the system of fifa in that case is kinda right
nah as i said the system rewards nerds playing many games...you would assume that guys in the upper leagues must be really good, but in reality they are just accumulating points... they have like 1000games played 300wins,700loss for example, where actually good fifa players who dont have time to play that much may have 100games played with 90wins and 10loss
ladder system does reward players who play more, i dont know what you are trying to prove here tbh
being up in ladder != being good
that was my point all the time, dont know whats too hard to understand about it
wow no shit man, life is so unfair for a gamer
dude i wasnt even complaining once, i dont even legally own that game,all was saying is that good rank != being good in that game and obviously this wasnt well known. your whole posts were kinda off target anyway
i am not gonna argue about this 4 days old shit... you wouldnt get my point anyway
ofc because its from Poland Tomek Bagnski :)!
not that sick tbh :p I like more photorealistic environment
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