Oops I did it again!

I troll a lot ingame and I love to troll but I fail a lot that's why I didn't knife cuz I fail but I troll and fail at the same time so it is kewl.

Good night!

Quote by LORDI[03:41] 'xD Reash,: i can get orgasm in 5mins if i want to
[03:41] 'xD Reash,: im addicted to wanking nowadays
[03:42] 'xD Reash,: wanked 4x yesterday n stuff
Wat game iz dat
call of duty 4 ^^
bitch please
n1n1n1 zLOL
+1 for the song..

but how exactly is that trolling?
well, basically he followed me for like 1 minute already (I know, should have put that in the movie but I'm too lazy to record that all :D) and then I simplY tricked him by going up that little edge and moving above him :P
that is called tricking, trolling is when you post inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

so, this is not trolling.
gosh so smart, out brained me.
Trolling on a whole new level
trolling as a new signification now
yeah its a sign of Finlands, cautious needed
y u play cod in Germany language
germans translate everything man
nice aktion :)
guten rutsch und spiel mal wieder et ;)
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