help pls

Hey guys happy new year :P

uhm i got a problem yesterday i ate a yummy dònerbox with french fries and now i have one sticking somewhere in my asophacus and it doesnt want go down :( and it hurts like hell when I swallow D:
I tried drinking a lot and coughing it up but nothing changes D: still hurts like hell

Pls help me dunno what i should do...

E: Im really thankfull for the responses and i got it down with eating loads of bread thanks guys and a happy new year <3
its a old technic but apparently it works : just eat bread, nothing on it. it worked when i had small piece of toothpick stuck there (the bread shouldn't be too dry or hard.)

song 4 u:
Thanks ill try it out right now (:
or you could try the opposite of drinking a glass of water with salt in it
Uhhh :s doesnt help just stays there and hurts more..
Go to a first aid post (or what ever you call it).
It's the quickest way to solve your problem.
get your mouth full of food, chew, swallow in one go, the one sticking dont wanna feel all alone so goes along with the rest down to your stomach.

happy 2k12 :)
I am going to eat french fries soon and now I am afraid. :(

Secondly, crossfire is not a very helpful with this kind of things.

Okay, to the subject.
If that blockage doesn't go away by itself you have to definitely go to see doctor who will clear the blockage out. If this has happened before or happens again you could have a condition called "rigid esophagus" where the esophagus is too hard and doesn't flex like a normal one to allow the passage of food. You may need steroid inhaler, like the one you use for asthma to make your esophagus act like 'normal' one.

Some hometricks:

Bread thing was tried. (Usually works for chicken/fish bone)
Uncooked egg, swallow insiding of it, should make your throat more slippery.
Swallow hard cooked rice (Chicken/fish bone usually)
Gargle amount of vinegar will probably soften the object
Swallow a spoonful of an olive oil

If it doesn't get away by time I highly recommend you not to solve it by yourself and go to see a doctor, sooner the better!

WARNING!!!: I am not a doctor nor I have a education of one so you all the tricks on your ow resposibility, I recommend you to go to doctor instead of trying these tricks
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