
Ahhhhh, fucking hanging (hangover), feel like shit.

Got home at like 3am (early), and son woke up 20mins later and kept us awake for 3 hours, then we was up at 7:30... feeling sick, sore throat, headache and stomach was killing...

A nice big dinner with plenty of pork and roasties sorted the sickness out (for now)

Never drinking again...


Started off:
Beer, Vodka, Jack Daniels, more beer, many many shots (had 1 bottle to myself), disarano (or how you spell it, fucking horrible), Gin, beer, another bottle of vodka(small bottle) and 4 glasses of champagne or wine...

Who's lucky enough to not be a stupid twat and get hammered?
headache all day, balancing on the point of puking :( better now after good dinner

havent been this fucked in a while
Next time just skip the Gin and everything will be ok.
Raped women, feeling so shit atm. Penis is pretty sick atm. Never gonna do it again... EVER. Started with her daughter(~14y), then her(daughter's) mother + her friend...

I hope people didn't raped that much at new year.
i dont do hangovers
Get wasted on NYE
Report to gaming community
Have son
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