i found pussy

so i went outside to get some fresh air since im sick and i found this on my doors step

image: muc-muc

dunno what to do with it, i took it home and fed it becaue its prolly hungry & freezing, i love animals but cant stand cats cuz im alergic to them :(

so i need to find this fucker a new home, anyone wants a free caT?
ugly pussy
kill it with fire
we dont have fire
we use electricity
Give it to Nelly hohoho hehehe
I wuld like to see you, how you wuld throw a cat out the window....
DId you ever think how it wuld be if somone wuld throw you out the window?
u know theres reply button right?
Quote by aNZEI wuld like to see you, how you wuld throw a cat out the window....

simple, open window, toss the cat out, close the window again to ensure a warm enviroment.
Just let it out again.. it's probably the cat of someone else.. just like one of my stupid shit neighbors who wanted to take my kitten with them.
eat it. taste it. love it.
he said that he is allergic for cats
kresti so dumb :pPPppPP
Sweden baq rollin' Krest 4lyf
this cat looks healthy so it's prolly one of your neighbour's cats
cat only has 1 eye?
Found one myself few months back, delivered it to animal shelter.
doesnt look like a stray cat.
let it go outside again and if it really doesnt have a home itll come back cause it remembers the food.
also alergies are for nerds. man up, pop some medicine and pet it.

cats :3
ideen was man so medizinisches gegen katerichkeit "poppen" koennte
es gibt anti allergene pillen ohne ende.
die helfen alle prima nach ca 30minuten
Put it on neighbor's foot step.
- take the hottest mustard you can get.
- put it on the ass of the cat
- cat will 'run away' from the pain until something really solid stops the run most probably breaking the neck of the cat.
- have an evil laugh
put it back outside so it can go home?
bring it to the vet, dunno about your country but in NL most cats get a chip in their neck, vet can scan it and call the owners
you're vet yourself :S
y u so mean
i love your pussy:) minni :)))
You can donate one to FinlandmiNd and RussiadunZ!
Israel duNzy

we fuck pussy but not cats we are not animal fucking molesters BRO WHATS UR PROBLEM MAN
You know what to do with pussy...
Agreed, probably one of your neighbour's cats, considering how healthy it looks. Find out whose/let it outside, if it keeps coming back then take it to an animal shelter or something.
my current cat was a main coon cat that was lost from its home, it came ti me when i was outside. we kept him and i know its the sweetest cat i will ever have in my life.

love you twix <3
Oooh,Twix! So cute :)
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