Hi Crossfire. ive been hearing alot about SOPA lately and I would be interested to find out what the informed and the uninformed of crossfire think about it.

what are your thoughts on SOPA? For reference and research why not review this wiki entry if your unfamiliar with SOPA.

I am aware this is in America but fortunately or unfortunately depending on your outlook, this would have a very real “ripple effect” on the internet and therefore on you if it was to be enforced.

personally it seems to me a very slippery slope, similar to a list of other laws created with the best of intention, but ultimately ends up being abused (By best intention I mean, money is clearly the driving factor in getting this law passed, as with all things, but that does not mean there is not a idea in there that has some merit).

While I agree greater protection should be afforded to providers of content and in general in regard to ownership and protection of intellectual property, as we are in danger of flogging this horse to death with the insane levels of piracy and copyright infringement, should this level of censor ship be allowed on the internet?

Who is to decide what should be censored? The government? I personally believe no one person (or organisation) should be granted this level of power. I would venture that if content was sold directly by the author/creator to the market, people would be far more willing to buy the product, rather than buying it from a faceless corporation who you know is getting large percentage of the profits, simply because they have a strangle hold on the access to the market. A good example of this new system of monetisation of products was the recent release of Louise CKs dvd, which he sold directly to the general public for 5$. Unsurprising it has done very well. Think about the pirated or stolen content you recently obtained, (we all do it don’t lie) if a more reasonable price was charged and you knew this money was going to the author/creator would you be more willing to put your had in your pocket?

Do you think the ideas in SOPA will spread to other countries?

What is the current policy in your country regarding intellectual property protection?

How do you see your legal system tackling this issue?

Apologies if this is to long, incoherent or plane out of place but I think the future of the internet will be one of the biggest issues of this decade and I am very interest to see what other et player think on the subject.
only chance there is, so encrypt absolutly everything, indeed
though it has to be hosted somewhere (atm outside the usa is just fine, but for how long?)
piracy "and the money it costs the companies" really is just a random excuse for them failing at delivering quality products at a decent price. 'they' failed big times, every time they had to actually prove how big their loss might be through piracy.

also i doubt that most ppl here pirate movies/games/what not/... because they hate the content providers. it's just cheaper and more convenient this way.

well imo the EU or at least germany will still have some time before such a law gets passed, since our supreme court or which ever has to also pass those in the us, is still doing it's job properly unlike the one they have. also our government is still fairly amateurish compared to the one in the us. their government simply passes random laws how ever they see them fit, no matter what people think about it (probably because they're not told most of the time either), ours still TRIES to keep up the silluette of "the power of the people" (also our government does not employ the personell that would be needed for such a law). quite frankly it matters little what choice you make here, just like in most other countries too. so the court is the last chances we have around here, that stop our government from doing just the same, though quite a few would really like to.

our current policy on piracy is that it's illegal to distribute copyrighted content what so ever. BUT e.g. watching a streamed movie is not so far, already because you can not, by our law, be held responsible for visiting certain websites. you could have been redirected there or couldn't have known what content that link provided. in other words, it could have been an accident/a mistake.

and yep, you're right, money is the driving factor behind all this (behind everything more or less). in germany for example it's the music industry delivering the random excuses: e.g. manufacturers(and thus customers) pay insane taxes on any device that is able to replay music, often about 30% of the actual costs. and by any i really mean ANY. be it your mobile phone, mp3-player, if it were to be standard for coffee machines, they'd probably also demand taxes on those.
sure, there's also the movie industry, just wanted to name yet another example.

PS: just to name one of the damages SOPA does: afaik most cloud services in the US are currently struggeling with selling their products because they can no longer ensure data privacy.
The thing which worries me the most is where does this stop? Once they've opened the gates to restricting the internet, they are given free reign to pass law and by-laws which could restrict everything we do. With all this influence from the US, I'm starting to wonder whether social hegemony is taking place...

QuoteDo you think the ideas in SOPA will spread to other countries?

Yes, definitely the UK. England is Americas bitch so we just do as we're told.

QuoteWhat is the current policy in your country regarding intellectual property protection?

Not sure. Will find out.

QuoteHow do you see your legal system tackling this issue?

Badly, I believe the legal system is pretty fucked up as it favours the rich. With the rich being the corporations pushing this law it's pretty clear to see the vested interest here.

Law shouldn't be used to control or oppress only to prevent crime and oppression should never be allowed in any form.
QuoteEngland is Americas bitch so we just do as we're told.

Bitch is the correct term here. Its sad, since USA wouldnt even want UK as its 51st state and tbh, Europe should just kick them out. Make a choice and abide by it. Atm, UK is just one big joke.
image: Y6FYC

Guess who run the country?:P
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