need gym advice


I've got a lil question, someone once told me that you won't gain muscles if you also do cardio-trainings. Is it true?

monday: torso (benchpress, dumblepress, lockbench) & back
tuesday: biceps & shoulders
wednesday: -
thursday: triceps & back
friday: torso (bench press, incline press, dumblepress and flies) & trapezius

(I don't always do it like this, sometimes when I got time left I do some random things between)

Now here's the thing, I've been neglecting my abs & legs alot lately, so I wanna start cycling and running again on wednesday and saturday/sunday, but I heard from someone that it will reverse the musclebuild, i.e. I will be burning muscles aswell along with the fat. But I wanna get my 6pack again too so, I dunno

any experts here?

currently taking this protein shake too after every workout
image: twinlab-whey-protein-fuel

your schedule would be helpful too, currently re-organising abit

thanks in advance
just ask Testi or fuchS_ #bsturz or alexL or Ati_
thats bullshit
So I will still gain mass and muscles while running and cycling to lose fat between my workouts?
I was told that it's harder to gain muscle if you just do cardio for a long period of time rather then doing them both together.
3, 5 mile runs a week.
1, 10 mile cycle a week.
plus various weights and sit-ups (I'm not one to get massive, nor do I want to be)

Impact Whey Protein + 5ml of Creatine Monohydrate shake before and after.

After 3 months, it's starting to work!
thats bullshit
torspo & back twice a week? i heard that you should train a big part of muscles once a week? they should rest some days instead of doing it constantly
taking amino acids to recover more quickly, so 3 days rest is enough
I train each muscles group twice a week.
as long as you eat enough youll be fine i think
QuoteI've been neglecting my abs & legs alot lately

Start squatting and deadlifting.
don't wanna fuck my underback

I know the position curve blablabla, but I bet it still kills your underback

situps and running/cycling will do aswell
as long as you know how to do them properly they are fine.
As long as you hold proper form squatting and deadlifting, it won't fuck up anything. At first your lower back will probably be sore because you haven't done it before and your erector spinae and quadratus lumborum are underdeveloped.

Running and cycling won't really help your legs in catching up to your upper body if you don't train your legs in any other way. Only way would be running or cycling about 5 times a week, which in turn negates muscle growth because you won't have time to recover.

Also, squatting and deadlifting would increase your production of testosterone, which adds to overall muscle growth and helps burn more fat.

Ideal would be gym 3 or 4 times a week with about 30mins of cardio as warm-up and up to two days of just cardio, so you would have at least one full day of rest.

As for learning proper form, it will take quite a lot of time and dedication (also, having someone who knows about these things helping you is fairly essential). It took me about 4 months of concentrating solely on squat and deadlift form to get it right, and I'm constantly having to improve it because of having flat feet and shit knees.

And lastly, don't forget stretching.
shut the fuck up and do your squats.

Combine Chest with triceps, biceps with back, shoulders & traps
Real basic breakdown:

Calorie surplus -> Gaining weight
Calorie deficit -> Losing weight

Now considering your goal of gaining muscle you should possibly eat at a calorie surplus. In the end you will gain weight of which is some part muscle and most likely also some part fat. That said, only if you lift heavy and properly and hit your macros.
If you start with cardio now and you still want to gain weight, you simply need to eat more. So if you run for 30-40 mins and burn 500-600 kcal that way, you need to eat those burned calories.
For some people it's hard to eat those extra calories, while others actually do cardio to be allowed to eat more again. Your choice! :-D

There might be some minor side effects of doing cardio, both positive and negative. However I doubt that it matters for the average guy that wants to build some muscle.

Oh, and doing cardio won't help you with any serious muscle gains in your legs. So start training them!

Edit: Off to run my daily 5k :-<
I wanna do cardio to lose more fat and to see my abs again

but I don't want it to affect my musclebuild
You will have a hard time losing fat and building muscle. In theory it doesn't even work apparently.
However talking from self experience, it does work, but is extremely sloooooooow compared to the regular bulk and cut routine.

Zerender has GREAT success with intermittent fasting, both losing weight and gaining great amount of muscles. for more information on that matter.
nice to see that he follow leangains :)
It wont.., just keep combining cardio & lifting weight. & like he said train your legs as well. Abs is something you can do daily.
just fuck hard, best cardio ever..
just do some cardio after your workout, just make sure you dont burn more call. then you consume.
ask FinlandSlarto I heard he benches 190kg squats 310kg and deadlifts 600kg. Also he will attend some bodybuilding competition so maybe you should ask some advice from this pro heavyweight bodybuilder and the Pride of FinlandFinland.
I've got a lil question, someone once told me that you won't gain muscles if you also do cardio-trainings. Is it true?

No. Ofcourse your gains will be faster if you don't do cardio. I've done HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) cardio for about a month, 5 days a week. This is the best to loose fat fast and this had the best result for me, but this will drain the living fuck out of you physically and mentally.

Haven't done cardio for a few months now and my gains went skyrocketing, also alot more energy left. My bodyfat is stable and still gaining hard, so currently not seeing any positive side for myself to do cardio... ever D: But that's different for everyone. I went from someone who can gain fat from pretty much everything to someone who can eat everything they want and not get any fat. Didn't go to the gym for 2 weeks with lots of alcohol + god knows what, lost 1kg >_> and no, it's not muscle D:

oh, if you think running + biking is training your legs, you are wrong, Go train with weights untill you can't walk anymore :) Neglecting your legs is the worst you can do, I did the same before :)

abs = low bodyfat
less calories = lowering bodyfat

It's not rocket science ;d
How tall are you? How much do you weigh?
6'5" (198cm)
Im 190, 70kg a month ago. been sick, throwing up and shit for a month. lost maybe 6-8kg... feel skinny as fuck. working with moving furniture so its quite physical. after work i hit the gym, hitting the whole body split into 5 days. Having trouble getting enough kcal. any tips or trix ? My stomach cant handle eating gainer , protein shake goes a little better though... might start with creatin again, had a break for a month. any tip is usefull.. cant go on with fucking 62kgs / 190. 19 years old.
I wouldn't advice you to go use creatine, get your mealplan fixed first, that will help you alot. I know it's hard to eat alot if you don't have alot of time on your hands. Just try to have your food prepared for the day and take enough with you to work. I eat approximately every 2 hours and if I happen to run out of food or whatever, I just eat anything that's around :) With your stats I would consider doing the same, seriously, eat eat and eat more :D Too bad you can't handle the weightgainer shakes, it's a perfect meal replacement. Protein shake = not a meal! remember, it's just a supplement.
why not the creatine thingy? all my friends says its awesome. But yeah i can agree on the mealplan part. Its fucking hard work to eat when you are not hungry. Gained 12 kgs in 1.5 month last year. After that whole hell broke lose, couldn't stand the sight of food. was really awefull, lost maybe 7 kgs. gained 5 in total tho so i was pretty satisfied. Now i see that that was not healthy and i still feel like food is a must not something to lust for. Gonna try increase a bit more slowly, maybe 1 or 2 kgs a month from now on. Starting with the mealplan right away
Yes, creatine can be awesome and work good for your friends. But when I look at your stats you shouldn't even be thinking of taking something like creatine. You can get lots of more mass by just having a good mealplan. When you hit that point of very hard gains, you can maybe start of thinking to use creatine. But ye, it's just advice, you can do whatever the fuck you wanna do :D
hmm, might just do that. I can save the bag for later. thx lad

dus normaal verdertrainen en combineren met cardio om vet te verliezen?
Jep, kzou gewoon 3x per week cardio doen ofzo. Als je HIIT doet ga je helemaal kapot, let daar wel op :P Gewoon cardio doen op een tempo dat je nog kan praten zeg maar is genoeg. Verder gewoon letten op hoeveel calorieën je inneemt. Meer verbranden dan je binnenkrijgt = vetbranding :)
oke, bedankt!
Out of curiosity I have a couple of question for all you bodybuilders:
- what do you think to achieve by becoming blown-up like a Michelin-puppet?
- is it your dream to become a bouncer in a club or lift barrels for a living?
- do you feel the urge to be strong enough to beat up lots of people? if yes, why?
- do you believe a sixpack and upper arms as big as a boar are the key to happiness?
- are you attracted to superficial/brainless women?
There's a difference between someone who does bodybuilding and wants to be a huge freak and someone that just wants some mass and look lean and I don't think anyone here on crossfire wants or prefers the first look. So pretty much no to every question.
Not that anyone on crossfire actually will get close to being a real bodybuilder. Reading how people talk about exercising and fitness pretty much gives me the impression that there's a large group of freaks. Exhibit A is posted in the topic, being a large can of protein powder.
What do you consider 'a real bodybuilder'? I guess your one of those guys that thinks if someone is 'bodybuilding' he has to look like Arnold or something.

Taking protein powder makes you a bodybuilding freak? Wow, ok.

Like I said there is a difference between professional bodybuilding and bodybuilding/fitness as a hobby.
I'm not saying that doing strength training or mild bodybuilding at the gym can't be a hobby on its own. But I think you know what I mean, when I say that there are a lot of people on crossfire who started with the goal to become fit and lean, who now became freaks that worry about loss of upper body muscles when they run or started using loads of additional products instead of regular healthy food.
Especially because they aren't even close to a Schwarzenegger that sounds pretty ridiculous to me. It's a bit like a hobby cyclist with a beerbelly who buys a supersonic race bike of 7 kg instead of a normal one of 9 kg. Why bother with the advanced stuff if you haven't even covered the basics?
I know what you are trying to say, there I guess there are some people on crossfire that use loads of supplements and don't actually know the fuck they are doing. That doesn't mean every person that does 'bodybuilding' doesn't know shit :P But fitness/bodybuilding is the same with everything. You start and after a while you want to get better at what you are doing. If not, then you are just an average person that his happy with being average, not that it is something wrong. Some people just have more ambition at wanting to be better at what they do. Same with bodybuilding/fitness. I started average aswell, but now after1/2 years of training you try something new like supplements and all that stuff and you start to see more improvements. At that point people seem to loose themselves and take stuff that is damaging to your body, then bodybuilding/fitness is becoming unhealthy and pointless unless you want to go 'pro' and make your living out of it. I see it as a fun healthy hobby :)
Good stuff, it's assuring that you can tell the difference between hobby and obsession. And I wasn't implying that no-one knows what he's doing. [NL]uitzonderingen bevestigen de regel[/NL]
Ik heb niet alles gelezen maar ik las op mn telefoon (in de sportschool :D) die reply en wilde alleen zeggen dat het niet zo raar is om zo'n poeder te nemen. Ik eet niet zoveel, in ieder geval niet genoeg om de opbouw van spier bij te benen. Het heeft weinig nut om jezelf helemaal af te beulen in de gym om er vervolgens niks van te zien omdat je lichaam niet genoeg bouwstenen heeft.
Je mag best eens een poedertje nemen als aanvulling, als je lichaam dat nodig heeft. Maar ik zie hier op crossfire mensjes die net een weekje bezig zijn om van hun dikke lijf een verbeterde versie te maken, die dan meteen met zo'n vat poeder rondlopen, omdat ze denken dat dat er bij hoort. Er is genoeg gewone voeding om een gezond lichaam te krijgen. Bovendien betekent dikkere spieren ook zeker niet altijd betere spieren. Spieren dienen functioneel en gevarieerd getraind te worden.
Nee, maar ligt er natuurlijk aan wat je doel is. Als je doel puur esthetisch is groter (tot op een zekere hoogte, maar zeker in het begin) wel beter.
Om deftig resultaat te krijgen moet je 4-6x normale porties per dag eten. Ik eet 2x per dag, daarom neem ik proteine shake bij om dat een beetje te compenseren.

Aan proteine nemen is niets aan, het zit in vlees. Ik pomp mezelf ook niet vol met allemaal chemische shit
I'm guessing you don't have the urge to improve yourself on anything? It's the same as any other sport/hobby that you have, improving yourself to get better.
bodybuilders arent strong enough to beat up lots of ppl, bodybuilding is about making a muscle bigger not stronger(ofc because of training their muscles are very durable).

i.e Polish ski jumper adam malysz who is very slim was able to squeeze with his legs more than some true bodybuilder from austria. Ma&#322;yszs weight was about 60-65kg, and he squeezed with his legs 240kg with 2ppl standing on the load so i assume it was smth about 380kg.

Anyway bodybuilding sucks ass, most of famous bodybuilders died early because of heart problems caused by these conditioners
That's what I'm worried about. Apparently lots of these crossfire fitness dudes are under the impression that getting puffy at the gym equals being fit. Like in the example you stated: being strong in certain areas is fun if it actually serves a goal with a hobby/sport that you love doing.
"being strong in certain areas is fun if it actually serves a goal with a hobby/sport that you love doing."

Bodybuilding can't be a hobby? Playing ET is a hobby, you won't have any profit from that either right? So why would you do it? Because it is something that you consider is fun to do. If people enjoy 'bodybuilding'/fitness then not why let them? Seriously xD
Liever een gespierd lichaam hebben dan niets te doen en dik of zeer smal te zijn?
Zekers, maar obsessief bezig zijn met spieropbouw is niet zo'n gezonde insteek. Als de topicstarter zich al afvraagt of het trainen van je uithoudingsvermogen door te rennen/fietsen ten koste gaat van zijn spieropbouw, dan ben je in mijn ogen behoorlijk verdwaald.
Ik wil gewoon spiermassa kweken en vet verliezen tegelijkertijd, ik wist gewoon niet of het kon.
Probeer gezond/gevarieerd te eten en met plezier te sporten. Met name door regelmatig rennen/fietsen/zwemmen wordt je vetverbranding gestimuleerd. Bovendien verbetert het zuurstoftransport naar je spieren, dat zal je ook helpen met krachttraining. Let verder ook op dat je de spiergroepen in je lichaam gelijkmatig traint en de soepelheid niet verliest (liever minder gewicht met meer herhalingen).
Als je merkt dat je zienderogen spiermassa verliest, weet je dat je te weinig eet. Dat laatste zal echter niet zo heel snel het geval zijn, tenzij je regelmatig met een sterk hongergevoel rondloopt. Overdrijf het verder niet met de poedertjes/eiwitpreparaten. Genoeg zuivelproducten en regelmatig een stukje mager vlees of kip, daar kom je ook een heel eind mee.
zo'n opbouwende kritiek helpt me dus een stuk verder :) bedankt
Its a hobby, its healthy, it can give some people more self confidence,.. The way you look at going to the gym is very close minded & ignorant.
well, true bodybuilding is very unhealthy for heart
was talking about going to the gym in general :P
Exactly my point: going to the gym, especially when the weather is pretty bad outside, should be fun. Benchpressing one weight after another to get puffy is hardly anything like that. Being fit and feeling confident should be achieved with a variety of training that is actually fun. Run, bike, row, do some strength training. And when the weather is okay, go outside and breath some fresh air!
Who are you to decide what's fun or not? :|
Had a smiliar discussion on NYE, not soley on working out but also on dieting. According to those guys you shouldn't do any weight lifting at all if you want to lose fat because you will INSTANTLY blow up like his Michelin puppet and gain loads of muscles that way :-D

Gave up on them after half an hour :-(
Ye, I have the same conversation every once in a while. People think when you lift weights you will look like Arnold or something in no time. People don't see how much hard work you need to do to actually gain mass. Just lifting weights won't make you a 'Michelin puppet' ;d
+1 I am running almost everyday, im riding bike, im making some strenght excercises but only with weight of my body, at least once in month im going to get some hill and i think i am much healthier than these bodybuilders filled with these conditioners
what do you think to achieve by becoming blown-up like a Michelin-puppet?

god damn :D you made me laugh
I'm not a bodybuilder, nor do I intend to be. But if you ever played a sport on a decent level, you need to work on these things. Used to be rather good at basketball which is why I had to go to the gym and do HIIT.

Only got me even more skinnier somehow though ;D

Going to the gym and looking after your condition is a good thing imo.
No more than half an hour of cardio after strength training. If you do high intensity cardio for a longer period of time your body will not be content with the energie it gets from fat cells and goes for the muscle tissue.

And train your legs with weights please, not with cardio.

Cardio = endurance
Weights = Musclegain/strength
Just do interval training, dont go for a long run orso. And if you are doing a prolonged interval training, bring enough food ;D

Best is to keep your interval trainings highly intensive and under the 30min mark :)
Might not seem like much, but if you do a HIIT correctly, you'll prolly be exhausted afterwards :p
powerlifter advice will help you?
anyways hope this page will help u alot!
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