gtx560 problem

Yesterday I found out that my card is standardly at an underclock.
image: 246jl1v
image: 2n8q6i9

Obviously I put it back to factory defaults, but then this weird thing happens. I can play a game for as long as I want, as graphically intense as it gets, but when I quit the game and start browsing or something similarly low on resources, my screen goes black after a few minutes and I have to reboot the whole system. I still hear my cpu, harddisk and all, like my system is still fully operational, but somehow the screen just goes black.

Then, when I reset my system the settings are back to underclock.

What could be the problem? I've got myself a new 80+ certified PSU @ 600W a few weeks ago, so that shouldn't be it.

Mobo: ASUS P7H456D-V EVO
CPU: Intel i3 540 @ 3.07ghz
PSU: ModXstream-pro 600W
Mem: 2x 2GB DDR3 @ 560

Edit: This seems to have fixed it:

I'm not completely sure, but it seems like the crashes are gone!! :>
ATI does this too, to save power. I created a new profile in Catalyst, gave it the name 'nopowerplay' next F3 my HD for files named 'nopowerplay' and edited the default values all to max cpu / ram speed.

powerplay is how its called with ATI, dunno how its called for nvidia. carefull with this shit, I accidently forgot to close two other games (which are forced to 30FPS no matter what) while playing ET pub. After an hour or so my vid card started to smell, think the vid card hit 70 degrees ... so dont overclock, my default clocks are 1150/700 and it scales back to 300/150 if i dont manually edit the config files. You dont want to be in the overclock settings, even when I oc'd the card to 1335/825 it would still scale back to 300/150 whenever it felt like saving power. Powerplay will give you three levels of powerconsumption, just put all three to default (1150/700 for me) so no matter what the vid card will always run at full speed. google it yourself for nvidia
will try this. it's named powermizer for nvidia, and there are indeed some ways to disable it.

thx in advance!
do us a favour and link to whatever post that helped you fix it :) I dont need it but maybe somebody else will.
Well I'm not completely sure, have to keep testing for a few hours, but so far I haven't had any crashes any more. Been stresstesting my rig for the past 30 minutes with The Witcher 2. Now I'm back in my browser and I still haven't had any crashes.

This is the article that I followed (only step 1)
power saving mode perhaps!?!??!
i have a 560 too, but strangely enough i don't have a performance section @ control panel with the latest driver?
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