What is beef?

We see almost every day beef all around us.We see almost every day beef here on cf.What is beef for you?Why u feel the need to beef?Makes u chill out,makes u feel good,makes u enjoy your life more?Does it really makes any good for the human kind to have a beef?Is beef makes the alpha man in us be more competitional?

What are your 2012 beef future plans?I know mine...fight for a better comunity,fight for all the low players trying to make their way,fight for those nobody cares,fight for a better and safer world!

It's delicious. Too bad it's so expensive compared to chicken :-(
when i grow older i wanna be just like you :P

much time ago can t remember when,talking with some romanian mates about a player called urtier playing for a team called iddle.ee and playing all classes engi,fops,medic woow everybody on ts3 is on extas...urtier .....your name whispered on young ppl lips...maybe u can change the world?
makes me feel G
Baby dont hurt me
I bet it won't work hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
how much u bet?
I can only eat burned (with a flamer, yeah) beef otherwise I feel like i am drinking a glas of blood..
we feel each other bro
feelin you so hard bro
amazing how i feel your feelings mate
i like the taste of it

this mofocker will tell u all about whats beef, word is bond yo
that s one side,but i was aiming for more creative answers,ah well maybe next year
Hello, what is this?
what the fuck is wrong with you? fucking retard
who u talkin so nasty and mad?u above all should understand lil bit of this since u pretend to be great estonian rapper and shit,but all i see the 2012 did not made any improovements in your mentality
Because every single post or comment you write is filled with utter shit. I pretend to be nothing, I am what I am, people who need to know me and what I do, know me and what I do. My mentality is awesome, I had a great new years eve, everything went perfect. I'm happy and shit and I rarely flame people. But you are fucking crippled in the brain, really. Someone must have dropped you really hard when you were born and then hit you a few times because that's the only reasonable explanation I can come up with. Other then being mentally challenged from the get-go.
if u watch yourself u will see that actually u are more crazy than a doctor can anticipate.i rarely write anything here and when i do i do if i have smt importnat to do,being very stupid what i have to say makes no sense for u so instead of trying to understand or give a nice reply all u can come up is this tough act on internet,which prooves your insecurity problems that u have in real life.is ok i understand u,there have to be idiots like u,so ppl like me to see the real face of the world
I had serious trouble trying to understand what the fuck you just tried to say. I'm not trying to act tough, where do you see that? I don't know Romanian people but if telling someone he's retarded means acting tough in your country then jeez, I have no words. I'm not crazy, I'm completely sane, I have no insecurity problems and shit. Why do you think I'm insecure, because I told you that you are retarded? You are making no sense. This will be my last reply to you, unless you start to fucking make sense and actually use facts or arguments to prove your fucking retarded point.
i dont have to proove anything to u,u already prooved it yourself.

if u would have been a wise young lad as u assume u are u would not reply on this post if u consider is nothing for your interes.
u are as much as i heard related with hip hop yes?u are a rapper,or like rappers ,correct?well dear moron,rapping when u have a perfect life doesnt really fit one with the other if u would know anything bout history of hip hop u would understand this in the first place.i have not met yet any rapper who says that he has the perfect life,at least not after he made some serious money/fame out of this.so u being a perfect life,and as much as i heard bout u,coming from a rich family and starting to rap is ok,but is obviously that u dont understand shit from this,neither u have what to rap about.that s first
second,ironically or not u already prooved again the point of this journal...the beef...u have smt against me for some reason,u think u are better than me ,even if u dont know shit about me,and despite the fact that all i did in this journal was to ask if beef(fighting each other) is any good at all?and it seems according to u that it is.thank u ,without ppl like u there would not be ppl like me to move on

and third:u are a crow trying to act like an eagle.u ll never be the eagle simply cause u dont have what it takes to be a hunter.u are just...fake.
Are you fucking drunk dude?

Just because I have a good life and I'm satisfied with my life I shouldn't create rap music? What the fuck are you on dude? I have not made any serious money with my music. In Estonia, it's practicly impossible to make money with rap music. I am not coming from a wealthy family. I got a decent job, nice friends, great hobbies (including my music) and a great girl, should I quit making music because of that now? RETARDED. Rap music is not only about how thug or gangsta you are or how you fucking made it from the streets, fucking widen your perspective about music and get over your retarded stereotypes.

And yes I have something against you. I don't like you. Every time you post something, it's utter bullshit and doesen't make any sense. I'm having troubles understanding how people like you even fucking exist in this world.

And what the fuck? I am not a fucking bird and stop with your retarded metaphors and do something useful with your life. Learn English for example.

Fucking hell, really.
u know shit about music,u say u create music,i think u create garbage,u never gonna make it not in your country and not anywhere cause to make it in hip hop u have to know what u rap about but u don t.u are a spoiled kid at 22 who has the insecure level bigger than empire state building and the only way u can feel better is by showing your arrogange and stupidity here.u dont like me?blow me,would care less if u like me or not.and u can t understand me simply cause u are to dum.had the same problem figure it out how ppl like u exists,but i m sure u won t pass 50 years old,unless u somehow survive by a miracle.my prediction:u gonna die by a heart attack in bed with your ugly girlfriend thinking how perfect your life is,not knowing that perfect life in fact dont exists...
I know more about music than you ever will. You can think whatever you want about what I create but you have no clue what I rap about and what most of the rap today is about. You haven't got a single clue. And how come I am spoiled? Just because you are 31 and a worthless piece of poor trailyard garbage playing at a low+ lever forever because you are incapable of developing any skills whatsoever. You can't speak proper English, you can't play a game, fuck man, you can't even argue on the internet without making up some shit that isn't even true. And for a 31 year old man, that's pathetic as fuck. You are probably incapable of developing decent social skills to meet people outside and that's the only reason you spend your time here asking what is all this "beef" about. Only reason you would ask that is when you get beefed with. What you probably do, because in real life you are a spineless fuck on who successful people step on. And out of your fucking envy for their good and successful life you call everyone a fake person who actually achieves something he could be proud of. Fuck you and your unsuccessful worthless shithole of an excuse for a life.
u know more about music than me?boy u sure make me laugh...what exactly u know about music?what is your cultural background regarding arts and music in particular?where and how long have u study the music?do u play any musical instrument,other than my whistle?if u are such a succesfull person so social and so complete in your life than why u here trying to impress me with your...beef!!??your gf is not able to satisfy your ego big enough during your perfect nights,so u seek for help here?i m sorry but i can t help u,and even if i could ,i dont want to.ppl like u must end their pathetic "perfect" lifes living in ignorance like they got used with it.u talk again bout me,even if u dont know shit bout me,u are a little shit eater and by the way u are beefing with me right now i can pretty much say what kind of shit rapping u do anyway,probably for a more fucked up generation than u are anyway.child...don t bother me with reply,u are less than straight zero,u are the infinite zero which will never fill in,and what u think is perfect,is just the begining of your end.u r just to blind to see it.and stop bringing the only thing that u maybe better than me:skill in a game,cause skill in et has nothing to do with this and u know it...but well perhaps is the only good thing u can find in all this,so u have to take it for granted.
Yeah, I do. I know a lot more than you do. At least from what I read from your replies you are totally clueless. And I never said I have a perfect life. I am happy with my life, that's true. But it's far from being perfect. Still 100% sure I already am more successful than you ever have been or will be. Your jealousy is amusing.
all u say is :yes i do.empty words.let me know when yes u really doing it,or if u want u can provide me with that info.but of course there is no info isnt it?u are just a poor rapper singing by the ear,trying to act though in the mirror,to impress a dum girl for some cheap sex right?and when u stop talking about ppl u dont know prooving how much of an idiot u are,i also can sit and talk with u about life,success and other things i see u are fascinated:just like a little kid is fascinated by some toys.is one thing to talk about success and another to live it.u are on the first stage,and if u dont cut off your arrogance u gonna get such a big kick in your ass from life that i m affraid u ll never recover from it.empty words u speak and u need to chill down and shut up;let the real men take care of this,while u sit your candy ass down and enjoy the show
Total Plays: 14,931 / Plays Today: 4 - my myspace where i havent uploaded shit for years

1300 Total plays on Soundcloud where I uploaded my latest tracks (not so successful)

17,719 views in my MC Battle performance in youtube / 12,932 views in my street battle performance in youtube / 19,201 views for my top viewed song in youtube.

Not the best numbers. But my tracks and performances have been viewed and liked by thousands. What have you done with your pathetic life? Consider the fact that Estonia has a population of 1.4million people with a huge % of not Estonians and our Hip Hop community is really small.
i have done things that i can t discuss with a stranger who even more tries to mock me cause for some reason he fells superior.if i would know u are a nice person and a guy on which u can talk many things about life i would tell u what i have done.but so...i m gonna drop off on this cause i m in to good mood for your hate.good luck with your rap,and when u drop the first no1 billboard let me know.

and btw just outta curiosity,show me one of your famous you tube videos u mentioned.i m curious to see what u have in u
hello , im 14 and what is this ?
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