1800 euros

Hey guys,

What would you do if you had 1800 euros?

I actually don't know what to do with my moneyzzz...

Edit: I would like to thank all of you who gave me a good idea :-)
gtfo showoff
I actually don't want to show of ^^;
Buy Dollars :)
What fun would that be for me :P
think ahead :)
I see what you did there..
1. buy something
2. work with it
3. ???
4. profit

depends what u can do, if u can fix something or not, then just invest in silver.
gold , old but gold ;))
silver better, but gold is also nice
few months ago I was kinda fooling around on ebay and after 3 days I realized I bought silver/gold pads for like 100e :D
lol? and now what? :P
got 1800000 euro atm

dunno what to do
buy a house
I actually lol'd :P
driver lecense(dno if right spelled) :D
Good plan :-) but I already have one ^^;
If you got a own flat/house , something new for it.... something usefull ofc!

If you got all ... 5-10 friends, a bar + strippergirls :D
You sir, have good ideas ^^

Thanks man :P for the inspiration :P
haha no problem !:D
give it to me
I mean what would YOU do with it :-)
I would give it to you
what pow4h said
That's what you would do? :P
buy apple stocks.
forget about the money.
dont care about market situation.
collect more money when you actually need it.
yeah huge profitability when you get around 3 apple shares for 1800 euros.
its about the profit.
if you dont care about investment or ur not rly comfortable with it this is still a decent way to "let ur money lie around" cause its kinda stable and secure (even chances for some pay-off) and not bound to any specific currency (which do tend to fluctuate a lot recently).
Yes I do know how it works, just saying apple wouldnt be my choice for a good investment.
with who then? :/
Natural resources will be in huge demand in years to come.
Solar power..etc ye thought about that too
buy drugs get high fuck hot bitches
haha you would? :P
some of it definately :D
you're awesome xD
I would get nice new TV (smth like 50" Panasonic VIERA UT30E or smth similar) and build nice and silent HTPC without worrying too much about budget :)
And if there were enough money left, I would invest some money into speaker system, but from my latest experience with building audio systems, it would be hardly possible to satisfy myself with money "leftovers" :)
Also a good idea ^^, I own my own flat so this is one of the possibilities :-)
Well, I am still living @ my parents house, but I am only few months from graduating and I want to move out at some point in next year, maybe two. So after I got a kinda well-paid job last summer, I am buying some stuff I havent had need for before (furniture, own audio-video systems etc), in preparation for moving out.
sounds like a good plan, it's very... freeing.. Living on your own.
I recently build a HTPC into a Sony Amplifier case :P Was about 220€:
Passive cooled HD 6670
AMD Athlon X2 260 3,2Ghz
Scythe cooler + some nice quiet power supply.

The loudest part is the HDD.
At first I thought making htpc will be matter of 200-300e, its just low-end pc after all. But What I have in mind will be a bit more expensive, mainly because HTPC cases are so fucking expensive, at least those better ones (with silent/changeable psu). If I decide to get dedicated gpu, I will take 35W SB Intel CPU (Pentium G630T) with some low-profile cheap AMD 6xxx gpu. But for now I am leaning towards AMD Zacate E450 with integrated HD6320, should be able to nicely handle fullHD H264 movies and since I have no intentions to watch 3D movies it should be ok. If I decide to make HTPC based on that Zacate CPU at the end, I get passively cooled mobo and the only moving part there will be fans in case(if there will be some) and fan in psu (unfortunatelly, in general they are really loud). As for HDD, I will get some SSD, I will need it only for system, all data are stored in NAS/external hdds.

EDIT: I want this htpc to be built soon, I need it to feed my new audio equipment and my laptop doesnt have SPDIF output :(
if you won't watch hdtv via it (so just movies) then there are full motherboard + cpu + gpu + psu for 200€ out there.. completely passive cooled.. no fans.. just one motherboard that yoz hacve to fit in and connect the hdd,power cable and hdmi :P

I got a stronger cpu&gpu due to server stuff running on it as well as I will watch hd-tv on it (card sharing ftw). FullHD / h264 decoding is np with DXVA/CUDA. And for the cases.. I paid 20€ for an damaged sony amplifier.. removed all the parts and built in the HTPC ;D

Next lvl is to get an damaged ES Apmlifier as HTPC Case.. then I have

Sony ES-Series Amplifier
Sony ES-Series Tuner
Sony ES-Series CD
Sony ES-Series Tape
Sony ES-Series DAT
Sony ES-Series HTPC !
I know, atm my personal favourite is Asus E45M1-I Deluxe, but from what I have read, there had been some problems with utilizing 6320s UVD3 features under Linux (I want htpc to be based on linux, and eventhought I could go for win7, its last resort solution), thats why I am concerned about E450s computing power, I dont think it can handle fullHD h264 with high bitrates without help of gpu acceleration. I also want to be sure it will be able to play tv signal and blurays as well, maybe in year or two I will decide I want to have those possibilities and I dont want to end up with building another htpc. 2 months ago I wouldnt say that building htpc can be so much harder than desktop PC, but now its just pain in the ass, especially when one does not want to spent a fortune on that :)
why no win7 ? From what I know it has way better support as HTPC.. especially for TV. If you want to watch HD-TV then you definitely want to have a good GPU.. and an OS / software which will support it (windows + dvbviewer). And with good GPU I mean smth like HD 5xxx or better. The passive cooled HD 6670 is perfect for it (except that it is a bit big :S).

I agree.. building a HTPC is quite hard. It all depends on what you want to do, how it should look like and how much money you have. Which FAN's or just passive cooled, which apps, how will you control it via remote, etc etc ;D I was lucky that a friend knows someone who is building HTPC for ages already (he helped me with chosing the right components, told me why I need them and why they fit my needs.. and he will also provide me all paid tv card/channels for 20€ per year lol).
travel, go to China or Sweden.
I heard that Sweden has a very beautiful environment
haha, you just want to keep it all for yourself! xD
busted ":D"
i'd choose norway, Lillehammer is beauty <333333

anyway if i'll be having that money now i'd hide it and go for some amazin trip with friends (or gf) @ holidays :P
Id choose Poland. Chicks>all
russian postal bride
I LOVE to travel, so I might do that, thanks for the tip!
idd good one dunno what to buy atm maybe a better pc some new clothes :p
at some point you will want a car, flat,.... then you will need the money :>
idd some extra ps3 games or blue-ray driver is useless :P
by a tzac proof hack
+1 matafucking one
buy whores and coke
I'd get a new monitor and perhaps travel a bit. Invest/save some perhaps.
Just bought a Canon 600D with part of my scholarship monies!!
Was there a huge money difference to 50d or 60d? I would have gone to either one of those.
To be fair, when I tried both the 600D and the 60D there wasn't much in comparison, and certainly not for the extra £400. I'll spend the rest of my money I saved on a better lens.

It's mostly going to be used to make short films so the bigger sensor in the 60D is not needed that much, I'll just use some nice post-production techniques to make it look better :D
That is cool :p Do you have any work to show what you have done? We had Audio-Video course at school few months ago and this was our end result: http://vimeo.com/30418419
That's really nicely shot, nice angles and lovely colours. Goes well with the music too. That time-lapse sequence at 1.35 and then the slowdown back to the standard timeframe is nice too :D The only thing is that over exposure at the end (3.29) but it's doesn't spoil a nice piece. Good job :D

A lot of the stuff I am working on currently is for the BBC and the 2012 Olympics which unfortunately I can't show until I get the go ahead from them. However, this term we are making lots of short films of which I will post up once complete :D Once I get my camera I'll be doing loads of little bits and bobs!
Sounds awesome, have fun =)
I'd buy a one-way ticket to spain and rock out with my cock out, hang out with my wang out, go home after i run out of money, work, and repeat these steps (except, a different location)
With 1800€ to spend I'd probably travel if I had the time. With a budget that big you could see several places.
buy Brain with your Euros...
id buy a year worth license for bangbros first
and then...
with 1800 i would buy food, pay for uni, pay for all kinds of bills (phone, insuarance etc) and pay rent.

And then i'd be broke again......
watch it slowly/quickly disappear on rent, taxes, travel, alcohol and food?
bank, get a nubie account with some nice interest rates 5% or more maybe
How do you think I got this 1800 euros ^^, but what would you DO with it? :-)
would take it to another bank and do exact the same, saving account for like 5myears with the best %, deposits of 20e per month or so eva and in the end u can invest in something usefull. U can also buy some chinese shit in the stock market will be profitable in 10years.
about spendings I would defenily look for a vacation with my gf or buy drugs so then I could sell it to friendz
well pay me 1 mouse and 1 phones.. donate :D
What Filus suggested, but if u arent sure about it, just save it!
Pyramid schemes
you can give it to me, i can tripple it
such a dumb nigger. He is asking what you would do if you had 1800 euros, your reply should be I'd triple it (not TRIPPLE BTW ROFLOL) such a nice IQ u have there rezhni. hmm.. hmm.. tears, let me taste them.

P.S. woooow so you need this guys money to be able to have 1800 euros? fucking poor cunt. maybe I'll give you 1800 as an aalmoesje. fucking black trash.
donate to tzac and CF

or make a LAN
go into a gay bar togheter with you and have a good time
really?! :D
omg so much money!!!!

put it in a time capsule and bury it in your yard
in a while euros will be a collectors item you can trade for lots of real money!
Sure, lemme tell you the location then ^^ just you and me ;-)

hehe :P
make a cf journal about it!
buy turntables, good mixer and headphones and timecode vinyls and start djing
This actually sounds like a very enjoyable plan! Thanks man :-)
Then when you go do your first gig you can call yourself Quake Live :O)
yeah im trying to do the same atm
ook nog op :-)? wa gedaan op nieuwjaar?
gent overpoort. en jij?
ook gent! star warz in de icc
khad btr me jou meegeweest

stomme kut vrienden die niet van dnb / dubstep houden :p
haha bij mij is t omgekeerd! ik heb vriende meegenomen die nie van dnb houden, ma ze hebben zich toch goed geamuseerd =) icicle b2b nymfo, logistics en camo&krooked was nice :D
verzekerst :)
make an ET LAN
Means you don't need anything, just save them.
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