CF 4.0 New Design

Good morning Crossfire !

I couldnt sleep and i promised Krosan to make a new CF 4.0 Design. In my Opinion most of the new features were really nice, but the design was just shit. I prefer the old one, but after so many years it became somehow boring. So i tried to keep the layout somehow and added some colors and new stuff.

  • Ofc the size of the journals, comments etc will or lets say could be bigger. This is just an example and i didnt want to make a 10m example.
  • Crossfire-logo is missing, but i didnt had one with good quality
  • Banner can be changed np. Just made a quick one
  • There can be ofc more advertisment
  • etc.

I just gave it a try so dont be too rude with your criticism. The whole community is changning right now and everyone tries to help making a step in the right direction. If we want to change the design (maybe some people even like the 4.0 one), then this shall be the first step. With your help, we can improve this website!

image: feclx2rm

Click here for bigger pic

blue version:

image: 358s4aj7
those colors are so 80's....hippy colors...
wow, a copy of cf3 with colors.
and the new design is different? If i keep the layout, then ofc it will look semilar
yeah but the only good thing about cf3 is the colors so I don't see much sense changing them into this bubblegum shit.

in my opinion the new design isn't that bad, it just misses a banner cause right now the menu is at the very top and in my opinion it is... tiring for the eyes to go all the way up if u search for a certain point in the menu.

try to make a good banner with a new/better logo and the new site is gonna be fine imo.
slightly better but very similar to this one and colors are ...
Cba to really collect my thoughts so I'll just write stuff as I think of it.

The backgrounds are ugly (e.g the newsbox backgrounds and especially that thick black outline in the top and bottom left corners of ~everything).

The color scheme is boring: it's really bright in some parts, but the matt black is not a good contrast. If you changed everything that was black to light hues, it'd look much better.

The font looks unprofessional. In fact, everything is pretty unprofessional from the rainbow coloured navigation to the funky raster metal background image on the news boxes.

The news box background combined with the silly font makes text annoying to read.

Did I mention the font is ugly and also too big?

The banner (which I assume to be a placeholder) is too complex.

All in all, it doesn't look very professional or.. serious? at all. It looks like the "free game downloads" sites I used to code when I was twelve.

E: Anyway, at least it doesn't look like a fucking blog like the official design does. Cut down the colours to a more monotone and unified palette and make it lighter (unless you can think of a badass cool dark colour scheme, like for instance Northpole's one).
cheers. thanks for the criticism
sry, but no. PLEASE GOD NO :D
Get involved Hell! :)
The new site is almost done. They would have told us if they had wanted to involve the community in the design process :) That's why I don't get the point of this journal.
wtf this looks even worst than the 4.0

cba reading a website where the colors are flashy as fuck and the 4.0 one looks so badly structured compared to what we are used to
so its just about the colors or what. i can make the page also black/white np ;(
well make it black and white, it's better :D
yeah black/white is much better bro qq
guys... as i said this is the first step, so stop this whining/flaming attitude and start to give me some better tipps what i can improve. Maybe my website doesnt look as good as you wish, but at least try helping me to fix this shit. So many people said that they want to help improving crossfire. Where are you guys? Where the fuck are you omg. You are like my grandpa who is always complaining srsly. at least i try to do something unlike most of u guys

I mean i know how to photoshop, but i just had no better ideas. If you give me some ideas and examples, then we can work this out.
To get started, remove the black curve thing from the top- and bottom left corners of various fields.

Also, while the font is cool and funky, it doesn't really look very professional at all. Settle for a more boring one (like the current design has).

And the black backgrounds don't go well with the bright colours, so you sort of have to choose between the two. I think if you changed the navigation font and recoloured the background to white, the bright colours would look much better. Still I think the complex backgrounds in the news boxes have to go.
i changed the colors and stuff. (font took too long... wanna sleep soon)

image: 358s4aj7
That's a lot better. I'd still make it a tad lighter, but that may just be because I'm so used to the old colour scheme. Also, if you wanna stick with that black border thing, make it a gradient or something. It's sort of too sharp now.
have you done websites before though? knowing how to use photoshop doesn't imply you're a master at everything.
No i havn't designed many homepages before (only 1 or 2). It isn't as easy as everyone thinks, but everyone has to start somewhere, right? Some years ago i had no idea how to open a file with photoshop and i tought myself every single step. Next chapter of my Editingskills will be designing logos and websites and i know that it is still a very long way.

I take this project as a motivation to learn more about this stuff. Many people here are flaming me and i will fucking show them my skill. ;/
we dont ask you anything (atleast I dont) but if you want to present a "project" and want to be taken seriously, don't offer such a cheap thing

and dont take this as an offence, or flame, im really far from being one, I promise!
np i dont take it too serious.

I just want to justify myself and if you are putting so much effort in something and the response is so negative, then you get dissapointed very fast ;( It is hard to do such a project on a communitywebsite like crossfire, where many people just want to troll around and dont take you really serious, i know.
I know, but just wanted to point out before you go all mad on me, just follow your route and improve yourself at webmastering etc before implying you could make something better than cf 4.0 (even if it's looking shit, we both noticed)

anyway im going to sleep now, got shit load to do tomorrow, see you
well you must have misunderstood me if you counted mine as flame, all i'm saying is you need to look up some internet tutorials, and also keep in mind the website later needs to be coded

not sure if you know about this website, but you might want to take a look at it, great to find colour schemes and/or patterns.
I am wondering what you expect from people. I am not saying you know nothing about photoshop, but you 'brag' about your photoshop skills every now and then when in reality all you come up with are really simple things, and in this case it's a copy of the current site, only you made everything look uglier. dunno how we should help you to improve anything on that.
being good at photoshopping doesnt mean that you are good in websitedesign. There are many different parts of photoshop.

manipulation, websitedesign, flyerdesign, logodesign, retouching etc..
on a more constructive note: just do something new from scratch, that brings both designs together while keeping the clean structure with simple colors?
will try my best
'Design was just shit'.

Nice start to a flame free journal...
"guys... as i said this is the first step, so stop this whining/flaming attitude and start to give me some better tipps what i can improve."

You can see how hard it is to put ideas out there :)
No worries boss, you is doing an excellent job and I support you 100 percent.
that's what you get with a big group of people having oppignions
but I (and i think we all) can't thank you enough for all the effort you're putting in this!
Big up boss! :)
it's too chaotic, gives me headaches when i browse.

the 3.0cf layout is peaceful and has a nice overview
there is nothing wrong with cf 4.0, yes the current design does look better imo but it's better to keep things more simpler and cleaner than have a billion different colours on your screen giving you dyslexia.

simplicity > everything.

edit: actually lol'd when i saw "fishing underwear by Thomm :D does really sound something that Thomm would post!
it reminds me of ESL site somehow (comments)
esl gives you brain tumor, proven fact! :D
Really don't like the backgrounds/boxes/font/colours.

People will get used to the new site anyway.
More conservative font maybe, lose the "leather" or w/e template in boxes.

Maybe its just me but i prefer something clean and lightweight then 12 different colors and "styles" on boxes.
conservative? ask wsk!!! :D
in the same building as my office there is a restaurant. it has a alarm system that is going crazy for 30 minutes already. I AM MAD :D
it's to keep you alert, aliens are amongst us.
it stopped now, finally :p
i see, you left the kitchen, finally :P
yeah since you are here now!
awww thats sweet of you... wait that was meant in a nice way wasn't it? :P
it was :P
I know that this will have taken you some time, but to me, all the creditability you had with your CF 4.0 criticisms is now gone.

I'm no designer, but your design looks so amateur. This is 2012, why is everything so huge? And colourful? And childish?

It looks like a free geocities site from 2004.
Just not fair.

You see all the effort and you still say that all the creditability is gone? Just because i couldnt make a good design?

If not even an admin appreciates my work, who will do it then? It is not about making good designs or not. It is about doing something at all. There was an discussion about the attitude of most of the crossfireusers back then. Everyone said that we have to change our attitude and be friendlier to new users. The admincrew asked the community for help. They wanted to built up Crossfire 4.0. They had the goal to improve crossfire, to make it userfriendlier, to make tutorials and other things. They asked US to help them, because it is also OUR community.

Now i try to help. Now i try to make the next step together with some other guys here. Now i put so much effort in something, where im not even very good at and then someone like you who i really respect on crossfire tells me that my effort isnt worth anything ?

im dissapointed srsly.
sorry for the constant flame, but:

Quote by RazZahThe design overall looks like some noob tried to make his first homepage.

np ;)

but its true i know
and I think you need some sleep too :D
omg stop photoshopping my eyes!
site looks fine as it is now :S
Your so fucking amateur designer RazZah get skill please. The site have now a nice only maybe some extra function but it's ok.
im getting sick of retards like you

1. learn english
2. do it better and prove that you have better photoshopskills
3. at least i try to do something unlike you
I don't have photoshopskill

But If I see this pictures it looks like teenagehyveskids design community.

Whats wrong with this current design?
its better arranged than the beta and imo it looks a bit better
But whats wrong with the current design now?
Dont mix everything up. The project Crossfire 4.0 is awesome. Many new features will cause a lot of fun and variety. Some people including me have noticed that next to all the new stuff, the design isn't good at all. It is very confusing and looks cheap in my opinion. There is no structure at all and there is no harmony. Even tosspot said something about a templatecompetition and that he will try to fix it some time. When i read his comment about this case i really wanted to help.
Okidoki but can you set in your profile what kind of template you want like this crossfire site?
gj, ur version of layout looks so much beter then beta.
I prefer the beta version to this one.
I prefere this lay-out current Crossfire one.
In English please.
No I'm not.
I like your layout, but rest of the beta-version :)
hehe nice work but are you doing it all just for fun? because you were bored?:P or crossfire boss gonna use it in cf 4.0? it doesn't look good tho but still crossfire 3.0 > cf 4.0 > your crossfire :P
I don't like it Razzah, sorry.

I think all we need is some new colors of for cf4.0 design. at the moment we got stylesheets and I'm using 'dark', it's calm and not flashy at all but maybe a even darker background would work out.

correct me if I'm wrong but I heard krosan saying that the front end is easy to costumize so that would work out great. I put my money on a dark stylesheet and cf4.0 design.

anyway nice effort Razzah.
Actually I think CF 4.0 just need slight changes to its design like a bigger navbar and a background. I really like the way they did. They followed the webdesign trends of 2011. They made it more userfriendly and it looks way better to me as it really is a community website as of now.
I'm working as a freelancer and to be honest, no offense intended to you Razzah, I don't like what you did. It doesn't look professional at all.
They did great on the programming, they just need to correct some bugs and bring some slight changes to the layout.
its np mate ;)

i can deal with it !
I'd rather see a slightly modern version of cf3 theme
current cf4 is too white, but that one is too dark imo.
cf3 with some colors in it (those black bars with some dark blue fade?) would just be fine for me.
Sup razzah mate :)

I think the blue version has some perspective when it comes to colors, but something should be done with the logo imo. I don't like the one with all the colors really..

The fonts look pretty much disgusting if I may be so free to say so :p

I think you have a decent idea going, but the way you brought it is not all that. Good job for the effort though :)
i dont like, it looks rlly too messy, too much infos everywhere and with a color background it doesnt help it to be clearer...this one is rlly good and alot better.
i just showed one of the web designers at work this :D
yours looks even worse, all i think the 4.0 needs, is a left bar just like cf and the news/comments in the middle, and borders arround topics, add comments etc, then you will have the 3.0 feeling way more still in a new and slick design
it looks pretty childish razzahbro, stick to randomchick journals.
sry sir looks bad.
i would do better if any1 would ask me loel.
u gave me an extra reason to watch cf stoned!

i like it
no comment :/
Probeer jij dan ook iets?
Waarom zal ie het is toch duidelijk dat je oude lay-out moet gebruiken
Arrête de sucer !
heb geen tijd, bezig met eindwerken te designen + programmeren :)
Zit er geen "gaming-website" onderwerp bij? :O)
Dan niet :)
in 2001 mss :)
I'm confused now
why commenting at all?
sorry but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wai D:
something died inside of me :D
thx for feedback so far

at least most guys try to be gentle when telling me that my design sucks hard ;) i rly appreciate this!

i will continue designing and i will try to use some of this feedback. i will keep you updated in the next days.

cheers guys
So many negative comments here lol
nothing better to do qqqqq ????
Razzah - you know you wont be able to implement this on CF4 right? Its not possible to create an optional feature for a completely new layout. New Skins of the existing layout is easy to implement as optional requests, as we have on CF3, but a completely different layout is not possible.
so what can i actually do to help then?

i don't wanna be harsh but even in uni they say ' it sux, start over '
same here :p
Razzah das suckt hard!
what b3ck said <3
get Sweden jLn to design it!
that make my fucking day :D
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