ET makes computer crash

Gooood morning...

A friend of mine wanted to play ET again after a good time away from the game.

now he says that after 5 to 10 minutes of playing, the entire computer just crashes.. and this happends every time.

has anyone else had the same problem? any solution?
*snik snik*
it is hard to tell you the solution, if you dont give any informations :(

The computer can crash because of several reasons.

Not enough Ram, overheating, virus, O/S has some broken files and dont seem to harmonize with ET (:P)

Run something like Tune up utilities to clean up your computer at first...
Tell him to delete all ET files and uninstall the game again. Then he should install the ultimateinstallpack of ET, which you can find in the Tutorialsection. Help him with the installprogress. Maybe he is installing it on a wrong place or whatever... Then try to run ET. When was the game crashing? While connecting to a map? Ingame? On maps like radar with less fps or maps like supply with good fps? Maybe it is because of the config?

No idea if it has something to do with my points, but just try it out. Maybe it works.
my friend said the only modifications he has done to his computer is giving it more RAM and a new display adapter.
display adapter, what that ?
pull out new ram.
damn your up early !
someone has something called work.. :p
Any by work u mean making journals for a friend :)
indeed! i get paid by the letter!
my work starts at 13.30 !
and 3 hours after that, im home eating dinner with my wife, while ur still at work:p
;( but I can drink bears
u lucky bastard:)
i also got something similar like this years ago, in the end my cooling paste on the cpu was totally dried and hard as concrete, so a simple overheating problem.
i had the same problem on my first pc, its maybe ur graphic card or hard drive !
i had a similar problem years back, wasn't crashing but it just shut down. then found out my vents were so dusty that my pc overheated :"D
sounds like an overheating issue.

Open pc and clean out fans on vidcard and cpu etc. If the problem persists, install some temperature monitoring tool such as speedfan or so to find out what hardware component is overheating.

Had the same a couple years ago. My vidcard's fans were full of dust and crap. After cleaning that out the temperature stayed within normal ranges and the pc didn't crash anymore.
this, if your pc just crashes out of the blue, there is a big chance its an overheating issue
Does he have Nvidia? if he dose, i had the same problem some time ago... just go on nvidia site and download the latest driver for the video card, update it and enjoy the game
Hey Mr. Snulbe :) how are you?
:) doing great thank you!

what about you sir?
Pretty Fine :) see u later ma friend ;)
/exec cancer.cfg
sounds like it happens on a server with PB on?
Had the same for a long time. It was because of PB. But now it's normal again, dunno why
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