Reus = Schwarz Gelb (.de)

Marco Reus wird Borussia am Saisonende verlassen.
Borussia muss nach dem Ende der laufenden Saison ohne Marco Reus planen. Der 22 Jahre alte VfL-Angreifer teilte Trainer Lucien Favre und Sportdirektor Max Eberl mit, dass er im Sommer zum Deutschen Meister Borussia Dortmund wechseln will.

NICE! :)

Good decision by Reus =)
He's staying or leaving?
Leaving Mönchengladbach, joining Dortmund.
leaving for the best german club :)

image: bvb

Reus + Götze <3
I guess this means you're resigned to selling Gotze in the summer?
he has contract till 2014 i think... i hope he will stay... would be a really nice duo, Götze & Reus...
Yeah but Reus is too good to play in the German league, particularly if he has a strong world cup he'll probably go to whomever doesn't win La Liga or Man City.
yeah right the bundesliga is really weak...
well european cups showed how strong bundesliga is...
yes, this is why the Bundesliga got a 4th CL spot this season...
and bundesliga best team got bashed by everyone...
they are very unexperienced @ european top level, they prolly need 1 or 2 more years, unlike Bayern Munich or Leverkusen who almost played CL every season for the last decade...
Dortmund fighting their way back to the top european levels atm, like they were @ mid 90s'
FCB nad Schalke r the only teams that can reach anything in europe in 3 years. Leverkusen is solid eu team. But others cant reach anything because they r still selling their best players and replacing them with also very good but totally unexpirenced new talents...
dortmund is by far better than leverkusen. dont underestimate the bundesliga. nearly all german nationalplayers are palying in the bundesliga and we are next to spain the best nationalteam in the world.

so watch out what you are saying. it isnt the same as some years ago..
but Dortmund once again couldnt prove it(how could they do it with Lewandowski as the main striker) ...I agree that Germany will reach top2 on Euro. Good nationalteam doesnt mean that league is very strong. In Poland league we got over 40 players(5th in europe as far as i remember) of national teams and it doesnt mean that our league is strong...
We are the 3rd best League in Europe, we got the (atm) third best footballclub in the world. We got the lowest debts of all leagues and made a great job in promoting the youth. We got the most matchvisitors of all and we got the best stadium of all. The bundesliga has 8 Teams that can win the league every year unlike the spanish league with only ~4 good teams. Wont talk about the epl in this case, because they have the strongest teams, i agree.

It isnt about which league is the best, but it is about the reputation. I dont see the bundesliga so weak, as everyone saw it some years ago. Times have changed and the bundesliga can compete with the spanish and the british league.
ok but where r european trophies? where are individual awards for players from bundesliga? Only FCB every year shows that Germany clubs can reach anything :D.
Imo bundesliga is 4th after EPL la liga and serie A(trophies, better players) and a little bit better than L1.
seria a didnt win shit except for inter and they only won it once. look at this 5 years rating. this is based on the points you make at international cups and germany was much better than the seria A in the last 5 years. just take a look:

image: ezw558tx

it clearly shows that the bundesliga is way better than the seria A (international!). They are even nearly as good as the epl
that only shows how sometimes statistics r useless :D
i see what your point is, but basically serie a is just living from its big name and its teams who also just live with their big name with players who also just live from their big name...
for example in fifa serie a teams would own bundesliga teams, but just because there are impressive names everywhere, but in reality those players dont bring the same quality anymore compared with for example young and unknown player in the bundesliga
i agree that dortmund played weak cl, but i can remember that every other german club reached the next round ;-)
+ fail of mainz
Mainz has been sold out, all their good players left... i bet they will even drop down to 2nd league next season...
wasnt groupstage
that makes their fail even bigger? Romania gaz metan randoms
I love how this always sets people off, if you honestly think the Bundesliga compares to La Liga or The EPL then good for you.
i'd say Bundesliga is better then italian league meanwhile, or at the same level, but still a bit behind la liga and premier league
im pretty sure about la liga.
i prefer watching games where the top clubs actually know how to handle money by themselves and doing quite with the given ressources.
imo uk should be sort of ashamed being proud of privaticed russian billionaires clubs :-)
that's just lovely.
atm it is all about money...

but germany made great work promoting youth in football. Many people still compare the bundesliga to the situation of last years. They cant understand it, that the skill of Leagues also change from time to time. Look at the nationalteam and look who i playing in the bundesliga. Everyone except özil and khedira and players like Reus havnt even played a lot. I mean there are even better players..... ;)
Was waiting for you to comment! Germany has an excellent national team, but it always has done, as have Brazil & Argentina - strength of national team unfortunately does not equal strength of league.
Sorry, but you're a delusional fool if you really belive that the Bundesliga is that inferior to the EPL and La Liga. We probably have the most balanced top league , where anything can happen, thus it is also the most exciting league. I agree that EPL and La Liga are more attractive and have more stars than the Bundesliga, but thats mainly due to the fact that the English and Spanish Clubs get more money from TV and sponsors.

You seem so proud of your EPL as the 'worlds best football league', yet you fail to realize that English Football is marching backwards (Hi to Man United, Man City & Tottenham) whereas we're continuously gain ground to La Liga & EPL. Saying our league is weak compared to those two just seem ridiculous looking at our established teams in Europe, I wonder where English & Spanish Football would be without all the Investors and Russian / Arabic club owners who waste millions and millions of euros on transfers and use your clubs as "grown-up toys". Unlike you, we germans despise Investors, cause we don't want them plastic clubs like Chelsea, Man City etc. and rather have heathy clubs financial wise. I can only smile when I hear of England as a Football Nation and that they have real fans, hell even 8000 Aris Fans are louder than the whole Manchester supporters, you're just viewers, not fans. :)

Would be fun to see what happens to all your beloved Top clubs as well as Barca and Real if the financial fair play kicks in, Hoeneß and Rummenigge always plead for it, but some of your oh so good clubs are afraid they're gonna end up as nobody as they don't have their biggest advantage anymore: money.

well said, but the financial fairplay wont have any effect on teams like barca or real.

thank you for this comment :)
Congrats you contradicted yourself several times! Let me point it out for you:

"you're a delusional fool if you really belive that the Bundesliga is that inferior to the EPL and La Liga"


"I agree that EPL and La Liga are more attractive and have more stars than the Bundesliga"

"thats mainly due to the fact that the English and Spanish Clubs get more money from TV"


"league is weak compared to those two just seem ridiculous looking at our established teams in Europe"

Take a random guess as to why people pay more to be involved, watch and broadcast football from the EPL & La Liga?

Do you know how many people attended the English Championship (2nd division)? Its the 4th highest attended league in the Europe. Here are some more stats for you from a lovely Germany sports marketing company - 4.7 Billion EPL Viewership (even I dont believe that stat but still...).

Accept your strengths, the Bundesliga is good but its nothing on the EPL or La Liga. You cannot win this argument based on fact only on sentiment which is a poor place to start an argument.
QuoteDo you know how many people attended the English Championship (2nd
division)? Its the 4th highest attended league in the Europe.

No, it isn't.

Btw, did you know Bundesliga is THE BEST attended league in Europe? Your Russian and Middle Eastern billionaires can buy star players and throw their clubs in massive debts, but it seems they cannot get the fans to the stadium. Even Kaiserslautern (town with barely 100.000 inhabitants) attracts on average more fans than bloody Chelsea.

*clap clap*
Classic rhand look at the stat quoted before comparing it with a different stat.
What is so difficult to understand about the fact that Championship is not 4th highest attended league in Europe? There's not a single website out there that confirms that claim, not even your link to the general page of Championship on Wikipedia (and don't go editting it quickly, boy).

The only thing your link to wikipedia confirms is that in the 2004/05 it was the 4th highest attended league in europe and even then it was only because it had 24 teams.
There are some things in this world you can count on, the sun will rise, the sun will set and Rhand will be completely incompetant. How many years have we being doing this Rhand and you've still got nothing. You've chosen to argue, not against me, but against internationally recognised Deloitte. Well good luck there :)
... and that a football match lasts for 90 minutes and in the end, Germany wins :)
Against England normally so :(
think "Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans win" is the correct quote, just googled it :D

well not 1966 tho... :D
We have 1966 and the 5-1 a few years ago, you have the rest
Yes, be ignorant. Just ignore the facts and keep believing your little lies.

Every source on the internet confirms that the Championship in 2011 is not the 4th best attended league in Europe, but because you misread you act belittling and demeaning.

If, according to you, Deloitte backs your claims it mustn't be that hard to give a link to show it. And no, you wikipedia-link doesnt prove that because it doesnt mention it.
I hope you never leave CF, you breathe fresh air onto this site with your every comment. You just never know what you'll come out with next.
Instruct your admins to never ban me and I'll happily comply with your request.

Too bad you always have to be personal instead of giving arguments.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't see a contradiction there. Lets get this sorted:

"you're a delusional fool if you really belive that the Bundesliga is THAT inferior to the EPL and La Liga"

"I agree that EPL and La Liga are more attractive and have more stars than the Bundesliga"

Whats the contradiction there? I just pointed out that the Bundesliga isn't as weak as you claim it to be, I never once said its equal or better than La Liga & EPL and the reason for it is:

"thats mainly due to the fact that the English and Spanish Clubs get more money from TV"

which is a fact. English & Spanish clubs get about 2 - 3 times as much money from TV compared to the German Clubs

"league is weak compared to those two just seem ridiculous looking at our established teams in Europe"

thats a referance to your claim that the Bundesliga is inferior and in no way as important as La Liga and EPL
--> Bayern, Schalke, Leverkusen, Werder (Not anymore though), Dortmund (soon)

Your rhetorical question is easy to answer: Because your league is still at least for now more attractive than the Bundesliga, though we "constantly gain ground" --> Bundesliga gets more and more popular (Hello Russia) ;)

La Liga and EPL have more stars and are more attractive because their clubs have more money to spend on stars, thats kinda simple maths. If we had the money you use on your transfers and salaries we'd soon be equal to EPL & La Liga, but also as bankrupt as English clubs :'D. As I already mentioned we despise investors and plastic clubs (no hard feelings bro).
People come from all over the world to see Man Utd, Real etc. because of the players, not the club itself. So if you lose the money advantage you wouldn't be able to sign or keep your top class players anymore and pay them ridiculous high salaries, thus you wouldn't only lose viewers, but also fans. In the end its all about money.

I just don't like the way you speak about the Bundesliga as some lower trash league. Why do Englishmen always act so arrogant when it comes to Football? You (and especially Chelsea and Man City) waste bilions of euros on transfers and salaries and still end up losing against Leverkusen & Bayern who probably use 1/3 of the money.

Oh yeah and as Rhand already mentioned we do have the best attanded league in Europe, so I guess I'll have to save my sentiment for someone else.
image: ximg
Our league might not be as good as EPL , but we still have the better footballers. :))
well Reus is still so young and has played only 3 matches for the nationalteam yet, so i would say it is a bit early to say anything about his maybe upcoming WC performance, or to say he is "too good for german league" ... beside that i would say german league is meanwhile almost on the same level than premier league or la liga... (germany also has 4 CL spots now etc)

and beside all that, he is born and raised in Dortmund, his family and gf still living there, so Dortmund is maybe also a choice of his heart :)
I meant Gotze sorry!
oh ok, makes more sense then :D
Man City or Barca
Goetze agreed to stay until 2013.
well yesterday dortmund's management said, he will stay in 2013...
I thought hes going to BVB not to bayern?
hoe ist in ierland maat?
mochte ihn aber jetzt definitiv nicht mehr
nich weinen bitte.
very nice! bvb ftw Willkommen beim besten Club der Welt :)
well done bvb!

lets hope for you that he will stay this good, if he plays with more competition
zu früh, zu billig :'<
So i'll wait for Gotze at Arsenal.
overrated player
Mochte ihn noch nie. Jetzt noch weniger.
Mochte ihn schon immer. Jetzt liebe ich ihn.

"bitte nicht falsch verstehen, aber: Ich bin jetzt in diesen Jungen verliebt!"
"den Ball hat er verzogen wie ein verzogenens Kind"
i really hope this transfer will go through. Would love to watch reus, götze and lewandowski mixed together. only thing they need to wait for is a decent replacement for sahin. Kehl is playing really solid in midfield, gundogan is maybe catching it a bit lately + leitner still need some time (but he is already performing really well for his age).
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