Good Daystart!

What could be a better start in the day than floating feelings through your headphones that make you feel so powerful and better? The following link will provide you with such a feeling. Grab your best headphones and take a 2 minute break from whatever you are doing right now. Volume on max and close your eyes (very important!). Listen to this awesome pogoremix and make this day YOUR day.

After stimulating your ears my next step will be to make a little present to your eyes and maybe other parts of your image: spray_trollface_copy

Click image: xw3wiwga to see one hell of a nice picture !

Last but not least i am going to provide you with some randompictures that probably blow your mind, make you laugh or impress you.

image: vl2bq9t9
image: odbat3s8
image: 3a3ntmx8
image: rwd2mtm7
image: amknblb7
image: jfmi5mxs
image: rgdftlxa
image: bgl887zn
image: d6hun7pz
image: 2oqvhr4eITS HIS BIRTHDAY TODAY !!! HAPPY BDAY MATE <3 eventho i promised to not make a journal about it,.... i couldnt resist. sry ;D <3

I hope i could make your start to the day very special! Lets end this journal with a nice quote to think about:

The Pessimist complains about the wind;
The Optimist expects it to change;
The Realist adjusts the sails. "William A. Ward"
<---- seit 5 tagen rauchfrei yeah!1!

<- seit 20 jahren rauchfrei :)
wenn dus nie gemacht hast ises nich cool ;)
that soundcloud was actually annoying to listen

not really same style but if you want to listen some good songs to chill on:

going to bed now, see you 8)
i dont get picture 3?
it says that you have to read all points at first, before doing the first step. Probably the whole class ignored this fact and started to do this test step by step, without reading everything until the end. The 15th point shows that they didnt have to do all the funny things at all if they had read everything carefully.

i can imagine, that it was a very funny test ;)
oh i c, was about to do that shit on paint but couldnt fold the paper or anything so nvm :D
random question:

there was once a website based on enemy territory tactics. You had images of every competitionmap and you could add little icons such as spawnpoint, fops, medic etc. to visiualize the tactics. Has someone a link to that website?
I know what you mean hehe I used that also in my old days uhm make a extra journal and delete it if you have the link.
nice journal razzah
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