internet modem...

hey guys,

another question concerning some internet connection stuff.

i moved my flat. i took my "old" vodafone d2 router/modem with me and now i have to buy a new internet connection @ my new home. i ll do a new contract - this time with telekom and my question is: do i have to buy the telekom modem/router for 130 euros or can i use my "old" vodafone one? phonesupport doesnt tell me anything..they are just saying: they cant say much about it due to the other company router... blablabla..

thanks in advance!
cant rly tell you much about your specific one, all i know is that i didnt have to buy a new router when i made a new contract ( was a FRITZBOX though,so it might differ)
Depends how the connection is set up for you but most likely you should be able to use any router.
Do you mean a gateway handler or a combi or? Post a pic and it's full name. :I

Probabability of working: 99% if it's a modem, 100% if it's a router, 80% if it's a combi given by provider. You should preferably do a factory reset on it before you try though.

Remember that quality of local hardware is significant.
A router should always work, no matter what provider right? Or am I totally wrong here?
you are totally wrong.
for example if you use KPN experia box here in The Netherlands, you will have a hard time getting it work with another ISP. Because the firmware has built in restrictions.

And there are also modem/routers combination only suited for ADSL Annex A or ADSL Annex B
Routers that don't work with ADSL, routers than don't work with fiber optic because of speed etc.
pic of the model:

here the full easybox 802 (i have it without the usb stick) :
okay so it's a combi,

should work, seems pretty bad though :8
using 1&1 fritzbox while having alice-contract, np
the easybox is shit, used it for about 5 months before it started to crashing all the time after some time....
just get new contract from alice or 1&1 and they will give u new modem for free ( both are using telekom lines)
to be honest it is not for me..i will give my easyboc to my grandmother..we just bought here for christmas a tablet and we teach her how to write emails and use skype so we can use videophone to keep contact...its cool to teach a 88 year old person how to mail and stuff ;) but well lucky enough she seems to get into it..atleast a bit. and due to the fact that she is using currently my second mobilecard and the connection is really bad+ sometimes my mobile phone get some errors we thought about setting her phonecontract to phone+internet (she just got phone atm)...but without changing to another provider we will have to buy the new router..and thats an extra of 130 euros...which we dont want to spend if there is another solution..
never heard of a contract where they don't give you a new modem / router for free.. and usually a pretty decent Netgear one. Also who the hell doesn't use fibre optic these days?
Fiber optic?

And is there a login required PPPoE ( for example)?
If there is no login required and the ISP is just using DHCP( mostly with cable and fiber optic ) than you can also use your own router. Or if the login information required is known.

I use Netgear WNDR3700 flashed with OpenWRT arokh build with my 100/100 fiber optic. That one is really good able to route 400Mbit with gigabit WAN port, it's around 80 euro's here. Not suited for ADSL unless you have ADSL box infront.

Or the
Is also good and cheaper around 45 euro's here. Not suited for ADSL unless you have ADSL box infront.

If you need one for ADSL just get fritzbox/draytek or smth like that.
Good router.. I would use DD-WRT though :S

And fritzbox sucks.
DD-WRT sucks for the WNDR3700, they mainly focus on wifi and many WNDR3700 are not working properly anymore because DD-WRT caused the wifi to fail completly...

OpenWRT works flawlessly, no problems. I even made a dual wan router from it now for IPTV network, now i can stream HD TV on all my pc's with cable and wireless N. OpenWRT is more die-hard, and less user friendly than DD-WRT ofcourse but i don't care about that.

And why not fritzbox? Most of them are pretty good. Although i prefer Draytek for ADSL modems.
Have a fritzbox at home (and had another one before) and they just suck. Price / Performance ratio is completely retarted. The priority stuff is slow and buggy. The whole router crashes from time to time or slow down the whole network, etc.

Replaced the router already, did firmware updates etc.
As far as I know it won't work. It's a router with integrated modem? The modem normally only works with the provider you get it from (except you buy some 3rd party modem.. but then you need to change some settings to get it to work with your provider).

Just give it a try?

What ever you do: Don't get a fritzbox.
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