et lags! heeeelp


i got a new pc and i want to play et right now, but i always get fucking minilags every 4-6 seconds. this happens ingame and in the menue. all drivers are installled and up2date. does anybody have the same problem and solved it?

what i did:

-checked config
-checked directx updates/drivers

all other games are working without probs on full details (bf3,cod4/mw3/bo,witcher 2/warsow)

pc specs:
i5 2500k untouched
gainward phantom 3 gtx570
8gb gskill ram
asus p8z68-v mainboard
bequiet 580w
buy new pc
reinstall punkbuster
not like ET is on directx though :p
ofcourse it is, part of opengl
youre actually serious?
had the same problem
idk,after a while the problem fixed itself
Seriously delete ET
think its direct x
yeah so what ?

First of all im not banned, i cant change anything that the admin Chosen dont like me and keeps adding that triangel. But i could not care less.

gl and hf in future AubreyDrake
stop talking, cunt
I did, so? just stfu random
ur not a random maybe ? etpub player , hah !
SHUT UP HEAVENN ALLAAAAH AKBAHR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck you fucking greec
I had this problem too, still do actually. sometimes it's fine but other times it's pretty laggy. no answer to it :/
what OS do you have?
windows 7 home premium 64 bit
check if it is on tzac or punkbuster server..i had some weeks ago the same "laggs" but just on pb servers...
will try it later. aber ist im menü ja genau das gleiche -.-
Sounds familiar all though I dont have tzac, this also happens to me when watching ETTV. -
Same shit with my PC for a long time :/ It happen online/offline, with/without default config, before and after reinstall OS (win 7 pro 32/64bit and maybe on Win XP also but I dont remember), with GTX260 and GTX460, with ooooold and latest one drivers... I just dont get it wtf :/

Happened to me after i switched from my ATi HD4850 to a Nvidia GTX 570. Installed Win XP on a 2nd partition because i couldnt fix it under Win7 Home Prof. 64bit. Np on XP now...

Must be the Nvidia card.
did u dl drivers from nvidia or gainward?
try gainwards drivers, worked for me with my ASUS gtx560 ti
e: nvm, noticed u only have the problem with et, cant help sorry :/
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