PC setup

have been working on my new setup for several weeks and am now about to order.
I personally don't know much about the quality and how well the parts work together, I'm especially unsure about the mainboard, as I just added this to my basket (usually asked somebody for advice first, but the guys usually helping me aren't here:(), because the other one was out of stock and also a bit expensive..
So could you please have a look and tell me if this one works (good) with the other parts and also tell me about things I could/should change? :) Thank you.

- Intel Core i5-2500 3.30GHz (Sandybridge) Socket LGA1155 Processor - Retail (boxed)
- Asus GeForce GTX 560Ti DirectCU II TOP 1024MB
- Gigabyte Z68AP-D3 Intel Z68 (Socket 1155) DDR3 Motherboard
- Western Digital Caviar Blue 500GB SATA
- OCZ ZS Series 650W '80 Plus Bronze'
- Kingston HyperX Blu 4GB (2x2GB)
- random dvd writer
- Cooler Master HAF 912 Plus Case

Guess I could change to not-boxed i5-2500k + cpu cooller, but don't rly want to spend much more, if not rly needed (€900 atm).
Looks good, about the 2500K, it doesn't cost more than the 2500 atleast here in finland, it was actually cheaper when i bought mine. And mine runs well with the standard cooler even at clocked.
Dno if I understand you correctly. I meant that I don't buy the unboxed cpu (k or no-k doesn't matter) because I don't want to buy a cooller if I can just use the one from the boxed version..
I could get the 2500k boxed, too, but I read that k is only for ppl who want to overclock, and I don't plan to do so.

mainboard is ok for the system? (Idk how to check that)
nicon I can explain the stuff to you to night, have to leave now for work
okay cool =) be quick, some are awesomely cheap right now, need to order today
Yeh the mobo is good, that chipset also allows u to use the graphic processor in that 2500K. Anyways, why not buy the 2500K? It's fairly easy and safe processor to clock up to 4ghz and wont require anything but some basic fan for it. But ofc if it costs much more then no.
10 euro's or smth.. I rly won't overclock (most likely), so don't really see a reason :) I don't even know what a fan is :P
A reason is 2500K has better integrated GPU if you are ever going to need it.
okai, will consider
is there anything negative about the k-version if I don't overclock (at first)? should I get any additional parts then? just in case I decide differently after some time..
No, you can get a better cooler like scythe mugen 2/3 if you want to overclock.
ok, just will get the k then and get a new cooler in case I decide different, thx
do you furthermore know which ram to get? there are so many different 2x4gb kingston and corsair, but don't know if it matters much, but was also told that the size of them can be critical
Get 2x4GB 1600Mhz is good enough timings don't matter much. Just make sure it's not above 1,6v
Both Kingston and Corsair are good brands.
I wanted to get the hyperx blu 8gb to make sure it fits properly, however this: http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0057Q4ADU/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?ie=UTF8&m=A3JWKAKR8XB7XF has 1.65v and it's the only hyperx blu 8gb with 1600mhz on amazon germany..are the 1.65v that bad?
[buying from another store would take very much effort+time for me, could go to a local shop/media market-thingie, but its more expensive afaik]
sandy bridge doesn't like memory that much above 1,6v go for corsair vengeance/G.Skill ripjawsx otherwise

you should take one that has 1.5 volt or lower.

Motherboard is good. I would personally take an AMD gpu because you will get more bang for buck.
(KHX1600C9AD3B1K2/4G) has 1.5v :o
also professional hardcore pc-builder hukk told me to get these
There is no AMD gpu that can be compared to i5 2500K on those prices tbh:D Just check some reviews, it trashes all
you should learn the difference between GPU and CPU

INTEL CPU = processor (i5 2500k for example)
AMD CPU = processor

AMD GPU = graphic card
NVIDIA GPU = graphic card

this is how an CPU looks like : http://www.phoronix.net/image.php?id=intel_corei5_2500k&image=intel_2500k_cpu_med
and this is how a GPU looks like : www.geek.com/gearlog/images/amd-gpu.jpg

What I said is, that I would replace the Nvidia graphic card (gtx 560ti) with an AMD graphic card because they give more bang for buck (Like AMD HD 6950). I said no thing about a CPU (i5 2500k, because that thing is awesome, I got it myself).

You got an AMD GPU as well: Ati HD6850 OC, but they stopped using the name ATI it's called AMD now.
lmao dunno what i was thinking... i know this but somehow my brains aint working at all today
heybro, this cant handle 125fps


paly paly paly paly paly paly paly paly paly today?
may be ^.^
gief me a shout vvhen you are avi bro, im atching shutter island atm
come irc or so when you finished and we will see!?
awesome movie for psychopat guys! :D
fucking craaaaazy
buy 8gb ram its so fking cheap these days ;)
+ 650w are a bit too much for this setup but the psu is ok (450w would fit perfect for this setup)
idk, Finland hukk looked up how much power these parts need and said 550w will work out, but 650w is safer or smth like that :S

like these http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MY-098-KS ?
could do I guess, if there are no other parts I need to change
Even 500 could easily handle this setup. Get 650 if you have two premium graphics cards.
ye the kingston ram is fine..you will order from german stores?

try to buy one of these powersupplies:

also a good and cheap ram:


wanted to get from overclockers as I appeared to be unable to find the very same parts at other stores ;D
thank will also talk about this with simon
My brother has same setup basically on 520W with i5 2500K on 4,4GHz and 560Ti overclocked. And it doesn't come near full load.

And i would rather buy a PSU made by seasonic, or rebranded seasonic from xfx/corsair
orite, gonna go for it then
look my reply to Filus below
yep thx, already said I will get around 500w somewhere here :)
everything looks ok except for psu, rather get Seasonic S12II (520W version should be more than enough for your setup tbh).
I would also prefer having SSD for applications/system (Crucial M4 64GB would be enough imo), but if you are ok with slightly slower system then nvm.
I just followed certain suggestions here ;) And it's ok for me, I'm just an ordinary pc-user..
but I will discuss these options with simonkinsler later, thankyou!
Seasonic = win ..I've got 620W :)
or XFX, all XFX psu are made by Seasonic.
And Corsair AX series and serveral other corsairs.
My brother is using the M version of that PSU, modulair and it´s good.
But i don´t see a reason to buy it anymore since XFX is cheaper than Seasonic and they are made by them also.

This one
Same internals like the S12II
This, i have i5 2500k running on turbo(3.7ghz) and exactly same gfx, running fine on a 500W psu (Corsair CX500)
random dvd writer = pc blow up
don't scare me 15yo welsh kid
18 in April o.o
Get an SSD.
get a bigger HDD.. srsly... with 500 gb u arent going to do anything son , ur pc will run slow.. get at least 1 tera or if u got money get 2 teras and it should be fine should be just fine :) ...... and try to get more ram if possible
I use 40gb atm, I rly don't need more, those few new games I will install won't matter much
got my external hd for anything I don't need at everyday use
pal , im not saying anything about ur games

as bigger the hdd is , that fast ur programs will run... so either if u dont or need hdd space
u have to get a bigger one.. so ur program wont run slow on that setup
Are you saying a 2tb hdd with lets say 1500gb in use works faster than a 500gb hd with 400gb usage? If they were equally fast ofc i'd say the 500gb works faster.
It's not, but its commonly known if a hdd is almost full it will be slower.
It also depends on the platters for example 2TB disk with 4 platters is slower than with 3 platters.
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