IGA, your thoughts?

IGA better known as In-Game Advertisement. For my marketing study i am currently writing an essay about IGA, to get some more indepth info i was wondering what you think and how you feel about In-Game Advertisements.

Definition: ‘In-game advertising (IGA) refers to the use of computer and video games as a medium in which to deliver advertising’.

Not to be confused with Incidental Advertising, think the billboards in FIFA, or Advergames, games which have purely been made as a promotional tool.

Thanks for your input,


i think sometime ago Estonia reload posted a picture palying with dignitas in etqw some bigass ad in some building ingame
Players couldn't care less about them unless it makes them drop fps.

Aslong there are idiots on this planet, people will buy stuff which are over promoted without looking at previews/opinions/etc.

A good product does not need a bilboard every 500m.
Steam tried it for CS and ID tried it for Quakelive - didnt work unfortunately
if ive payed for a game then i dont want advertisments, if the game is free then you cant really complain about them, but there is nothing worse than paying for a game to be lumbered with adds, 1 of my pet hates i tell you
I think that IGA could work better for console gaming or atleast be worth a try, if it hasn't already been tried. Console games sell a lot more than PC games and I'd guess that the adverts would have a bigger impact on the console gamers aswell (can't really base this on any facts). Though it probably is very hard to find suitable places for the ads for example in FIFA besides the already existing billboards.

Don't think that the players would mind some advertising either if the prices would go down!
Personally i feel that that would be the biggest factor for hate/love towards advertisements in games, money. I really don't care if there is an advertisement in a game, as long as it blends in properly and not straight in the face ***k y** here's an ad. Just like product placement on TV, i reckon games could drop between 5€ and 10€ in prices. Which should in turn have a nice influence on sales.
Exactly! Atleast in action games with a storyline the movie/TV style of product placement would be pretty easy to blend in.
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