need paypal help

i want to buy something from ebay on a certain price. i believe i need to have the specifiec amount of money available in paypayl, am i right? how do i add money from my visa to my paypal account?
paypal automatically take money from your account and delivers it, u dont need to transfer the money to your paypal-account first
To use paypal you have to verify your credit/debit card on your paypal account then you'll be be able to use paypal as transfer source for your money. (be sure all the billing info on the card matches the paypal one)
or u have a guest account and pay via ur normal ec card
Or you do that yes. But I prefer the option I am using.
ye right, but since i only rarely (like once a year) buy something on ebay, i only have a guest account, and i just know it, because this yearly occasion just happened last week :D
cheers! paypal is awesome! just bought something from ebay so simple :P
what did you buy btw ?
we wanna know !
a necklace
use your jewgold around your neck
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