Happy 5th Birthday

to the

Apple iPhone

Today, 5 years ago, United States of AmericaSteve Jobs (r.i.p.) presented the iPhone classic(that is its nickname nowadays) to public on Macworld 2007.

image: jobsipclassic
It was a little nooblike at first but still it's handled to be one of the best Keynote presentations of Steve Jobs.

Link to the iPhone Presentation on Macworld 2007:
Part 1:

Part 2:

I am a iPhone user since the 3Gs came out and still happy although it's not that "good" anymore compared to other smartphones at the moment but still i like it's design, the simplicity of iOS and how easy it is to use. One time iPhone - always iPhone (at least for me, dont wanna have all my app € wasted ;))
sad but true
i didnt know about steve jobs untill he died and every1 went crazy about that
I was about writing something for your quote box - thought about and decided not to.
sad but true
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