wtf polak?

I received this email @ work today:

Hello my north friends :) Im writting to You to remaind You that I egsist :) How are You anny way :) Im starting to be angry on Poland and what is going on hear so Im starting to think maby go to Norway and stay for some time :) Im geting some information about how is with work and every think haw it is now i Norway and with You ??? If I decide to go to Norway can I count on Your help??? its not going to be now maby march ore april but I think its going to be :) If You can think a little about that Ill be wery thenkfool :) I hope to have a contakt from You and If I go to Norge we will by in on line :) Big regards Kristof :)


kurwa polak actually "egsist"..

good thing he aint a thenkFOOL..

Hello my north friend :) Im writing to You to remaind You that u still owe me a prize from the OsS radio show :)
you got one polak friend atleast :D
im so happy:)
xD sounds like a robaciek troll
can't be, Robas english is way better.
Can't be, my English is way better.
cant be u suck cock
that smile reminds me of someone

Im starting to be angry on Poland
it's just you battlefield hunger, just wait and NC will be here.
Im starting to be angry in Poland
Im slarting to be angry in Poland
Quotethats the silmarillion, tolkien.
So this Kristof guy, is that him or you
Im starting to be angry on Poland
I'm starting to be angry over Poland
Im starting to be angry on Poland
jebiez jeze
I'm starting to be hungry in Poland
Im starting to be angry on Poland

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