Grats Tomobro!

I would like to congratulate France Tomoyo aka El Sassou with his (late) spot in team FR for the Nations Cup. Well deserved and good luck, have fun bro!

I would like to give a special thanks to the Devastation brotherhood for lobbying and teaching him how to roll like a Belgium Boss. Also thanks to An7ho for giving him a chance :).


image: felicitations001
congrats sofi :'D, France is now stronger than ever.
good luck? he doesn't need anything besides fun. best wishes my beloved France powerhouse! <3
He couldnt match the power of team NL L4mpje though
nice annoying rifles, he really improved
We played shit :( lampje was annoying indeed!
i was talking about tomo: P
I know, i was talking about lampje
<3 Europedevastation brotherhood !
You go TOMOBRO!!!!!
Looks like I was right?! :)

Good job tomobro, usopro, show 'em how its done

Oh and great job by CAPTAINFranceantho for letting him tryout, good shit!
That's why I said to the French community that there is one more day to model the French team last time. But once again, some people are blind and prefer to spit at the team ...
quite possibly because theyre french, and thats what you do best
ET is death
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