Another music journal.

So, i was just listening to my random playlist on youtube which includes like 35623753 songs, after like 1 hour of the constant dubstep house dnb remixes it jumped right on to this:

And my god it sounded good, havent listened to them in years. Especially after a relaxing dnb remix.

After that it bounced right on to this:

And i almost ejaculated. Have you had similar experiences? Is your taste in music so wide that you can enjoy both of the songs i posted? I hate the music hipsters who cant listen to a song if it has more than 10000 hits on youtube, i listen to the music i like. discuss about this case and share your opinions considering those hipster faggots too.
from 1740 mmr to 1530 , fuckyea hon public rocks
prac hard go pro...oh wait
hon public is so terrible. I mean like, I normally don't rage (or atleast that much) while gaming, but when playing solo mmr... damn that shit man. I've started to hate hon cos most of the times the team just sucks, hard.
I don't like 1st song, I like heavy music to be crazy fast and heavy!

2nd song is very nice!
second was good after listening soilwork - the crestfallen

didnt like the 1st song tho
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