Razer Lycosa problem

So I recently bought a new keyboard, and here's the thing..

in ET my Walk button is CAPS LOCK, but I cant press 3 buttons at a same time, so for example I can only walk straight ahead, or to the side, which is pretty annoying.

When I would bind it to another button I am able to walk around normally, but I dont really wanna change my button since I am used to play like that for over many years now...

Any solution?

image: lycosa_spot

image: 1326058632842
get yet another keyboard, without ghosting
razer products = high specs and bad build quality/materials
+ fucking one
When buying a keyboard for gaming, you should really check upon the ghosting.
that Lycosa is made for rpgs and mmorpgs imo, you should really have bought a Black Widdow or any other mechanical keyboard.
Yea... A bit late now :P i'll just try to adjust myself to a new key dor walking :)
can you give it back? Tell them that it doesnt work properly (explain the three-key-problem) and say that there was no information on that anywhere on their site/in their store when you bought it (works good with online stores)
cant fix it
same problem but ive dealt with it since it came
buy mechanical keyboard instead of this crap.
well I had same problem with my new keyboard (some polish crap) and the problem vanished, dunno how, dunno why
get proper binds.
haha goed kut, heb je zo'n knipperlicht ding doet ie het niet. en mijn 5 euro ding doet het prima

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