
What do you think about it?

To me, even though it's still beta, it looks pretty shit..

Can't do too much with it or so.

Looks like acting like twitter but with a totally bad facebook layout!

Thought it might be something cool worth checking out but seriously I got no idea what to do

not related x)
Thought it was gonna become ' so 2012'

Guess not xD
It would be good if everyone was active on it like Facebook.
Yeah but there must be a reason why they don't..

Well honestly, I thought hmm its google they should be able to make something good and easy to use..

but I got no clue what to do with my account now, could only get 2 people as 'friends' not even sure if they are actually friends or so cuz its called weird xD
I prefer Google+ over Facebook. But most of people use Facebook already, they don't see any reason to change.
Could you explain why?

Cuz I seriously think Google+ does have the potential to become something large, but I just can't see it atm..

Perhaps for people that have used it for longer it's easier to use, but then I ask you: convince me? xD
Well, everything really is better for me, the layout, the CIRCLES (very useful), the hangouts are fun as well. I really don't know what else to tell, it's from experience that you'll notice these things.

You just have to try for yourself and compare really.
Hm k, I just don't understand a thing of all the circles and hangout..

I could find 2 people to add and I only knew 1 really.. xD

no idea what to do with the rest..

Was hoping it to be something nice to open for NBS as new social media page or so, but might need some help ^^
You can create circles as you want with the people you want. For example, a circle with your friends, a circle with your REAL friends, a circle for your family members, etc etc. And with that you can share things with the circles you want. The other circles won't be able to see those posts/shares.

Hangout is like msn + audio + video chat all in one. And you can share youtube videos on it as well to everyone inside the hangout to see at the same time.
Sounds nice, didn't expect that much tbh looking at the lay out and set up and stuff..

I heard they were going to make it real nice for companies to register and promote themselves there, anything going on with that too that you know of?
Nope I wouldn't know of anything. I haven't really used G+ that actively lately tbh, as I said fewer active people there.
not that you couldn't create lists on facebook too (yes, for ages already... though the handling of the lists sucks hard on fb) :P

though that hangout feature really is at least something they thought through. but all in all i really couldn't see many people change to google+ either, simply because it doesn't offer any innovations at all (except that you do not get spammed to death by requests and gameposts(...yea yea i know they changed it on fb) and ads. there's no benefit for people in changing, actually it's inconvinient, since about everyone is already on fb and they'd also have to get used to a new system
Has potential but needs users
+1 Indeed it has same cool features
i followed you on twitter and liked you on fb, what do i win?
omfg where can you buy that! :O
Dunno but i know i want one! :D
hmmm do i spot a idea for a ET cup that everyone in the winning team get's a image: panda
since no one can resist a adorable little panda it could become the biggest cup ET ever had.
No, do you really think I will host a cup and giving it away. Will keep it for myself for sure!
Man if we would give this away as a prize we'd have 42938428374234 likes already o.O

I have only 3 friends on G+ :<

related video:
jesus fucking christ just stick to one fucking social network you fags...are you fucking 12 or what?
the guy just ask opinions about google+
okay so give me one reason not to use facebook
calm down nerdo xD

you are 12
pretty bad comeback
change journal name to "cf4"
nothing new + the way they made it

its crap
facebook is alright but due to recent changes I'd like to see people switching over to google+ but that will never happen I think
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