trolling reddit

Hey guys <3

I just found

best site ever <3:P

i just made my first contribution a ragenovel and its already in What's Hot omfg look for yourself i troll hard :D

look at the hot page and look at the title "Instrument Rage" from iamalexandrov

Rolled hard and upvote pls <3
already 25 likes in 1 hour *le record of first post
Welcome to the Internet, holy fucking shit.
Thanks man:)
Welcome to the Internet, holy fucking shit.
Thanks man:) btw stop hating my posts :<
why are you so mad?
He used to hate my posts aswell but he's a nice guy hiding behind an internet mask. Get over it.
downvoted trololol
im still raising :)
Nice "troll" and also your comic was bad.
other people dont think so :=)
So epic le troll :D
trolled hard
honestly, that wasnt a very good rage comic. But keep your work up!
best site ever :)
making the most terrible rage comic ever and thus trolling the trollers

well played,

well played indeed sir
Age: 16 ( 25 September 1995 )
well i only liked 1 comic of you the rest was shit :P
I only made one till now
2008 called and they want their internet back
you just found reddit?? what have you done, leave now and never come back
Wow, that's bad.
... just ..
... rofl

got more with one comment :'D
le le le le le le le le le le le le

shut the fuck up.
InjectDLL likes this.
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