Journal NC

What are your top 3 predictions for NC XV?

for me :

United Kingdom

image: home_sweet_home_by_val_mont-d35in7j

Enjoy Friday night! :)
Depends, a lot can change. Give a few weeks for a worthy prediction!
Romania nebu
United Kingdom

have a nice friday night! (no bears for me this friday, sitting @ home for the very first time in ages , 15 days sober) :>
Belgium, Finland, UK, Germany, Poland top5
Germany Germany
Belgium Belgium
Finland Finland
enjoyed my friday 13th

how bout u ?
How can you even forget Belgium, like seriously
cu lacrimi am ras :))))) ms :P
Who's gonna take the Wooden Spoon Award?
Impossible. I'd say 5th-6th place for Canada.
United KingdomUk
when's nc starting?
fi, de, be
1. Belgium Probably the strongest team in tournament on the paper. Dynamic duo chry & Jere playing, superstar mAus plus bunch of guys from bF (Al1, Gifted, sup3r, uNDEAd) should be enough but no, those players plus dAv1d, Kevin and fostruM and the line-up looks pretty unwinnable. Belgium also has Worm in its ranks, really looking forward to see if he is in the shape or not! The thing that seperates Belgium and Germany is teamwork. Belgian guys have played in the same team at least at some point and what I remember from these bF guys their teamwork was just amazing to watch.

2. Germany Germany, line-up consisting of all-star players. Big stars such as butchji and sNoOp playing in team is huge plus for them, bringing experience and aim to the team. Those two guys plus german top players kReSti, Bl4d3, FLoPHJEZ, s1LENT, sTOWNAGE and team is ready for competing for top places. Germany has also good back-ups such as Kevji and kiwi. Germanys success depends pretty much about butchji and sNoOp if they decide to play this cup seriously and prac with the team they'll surely can go till the end, to the finals.

3. Finland Finland doesn't have that all-star line-up which dominated back then EC and NC. Some of those guys are left still left tho (squall, Sample, Matias). Squall was playing pretty well already in CF draft tournament, Sample has been semi-active with KRP but I have no idea how Matias is doing. Watching only one game during draft cup I wasn't too impressed with his performance but I think he can get back in shape. Also, I have no idea about Stuka who played very well in last NC, hope is in shape too. Then there is some new faces such as Jewe, Altsi and Vanhis. Jewe is familiar face from Codelust and for me it was surprise that twidi picked him in the team, I haven't followed him tho so I can't say much about him. Altsi is aimheavy guy and Vanhis is decent addition to this line-up. Captain twidi got already a new connection and I hope he can perform extremely well! Finns will have strong teamwork as usual, most of these guys have played in same clans and should know each other really well. Finland has also potential to win the cup but it requires much practice and little luck!

4. United Kingdom The United Kingdom is battling for third place in my eyes. They got best medic of the year sqZz, leader of the one of the most successful clan in the past years rAzZ plus R0SS who has enjoyed prosperity during the last year. This trio is really important to UK, since these guys have been playing pretty much recently. I think koop will fulfill his spot as a rifle, I have seen him play and I have to say I am pretty impressed, definitely one of the rising stars. Then we have griim who will surely deliver, this guy is essential for UK. The the other ones, Jinosta and ScarZy and Artstar. Haven't seen Jinosta playing for a long time so I think he is out of shape, Scarzy then is a good player but I am little suspicious how he does at this level, same goes for Artstar. Seems like UK misses the strong sixth and therefore I think they'll place fourth.

5. Netherlands Netherlands have pretty fresh line-up with lot of newcomers. xPERiA, saKen, SQuid, joshua, JALLAAAAA, 7ele should be the main line-up. saKen SQuid and joshua plays at the same team and their teamplay should be very good. xPERiA has been semi-active and will be important part of team. JALLAAAAA is good addition for team. 7ele haven't been active lately but this dutch talent can surely get into good shape. NL got some old faces like miSe and Lun4t1C. Doubt they are really going to play but they are ready to hop in when needed. Really interesting player is l4mpje, not very well known for most of the community and I am eager to see if he gets opportunity to play. Dutch doesn't have players with superstar status who can turn games to their side and I think this is one of the reasons they will not get top 3 this year.

6. Estonia Estonia will finish 6th in this tournament. Reason? Night. Night is such a player who can make game turn game upside-down with his performances. Too bad he is missing his partner Andersson, with him Estonia would be battling for top 3 places. I don't know much about individuals of Estonia to be honest and I can't write much about them. But I think the main line-up would be Night, mant, Raul, Sinnu, Freeze and hell/bff. From what I've seen they haven't got their teamwork running as good as required but I think that will be fixed till first group games.

7. Poland Poland has brought pretty strong looking line-up to this competition combining 'new' people with old. Frag'Stealer is known as a good aimer but I think he will not be at his top condition since I haven't seen him playing very much lately and therefore it may not be the best pick in the end. hunter has been playing extremely well lately and I really look forward to see how he performs in this NC. Haven't seen fanatic play but I think he is right man to play in team. Krein, well... haven't seen him playing for a long time and I think there may have been some better players which could have replaced him. dialer himself has been semi-active lately and I believe he can play at semi-good level in this tournament. zMk is a strong player and I think he will perform best in this line-up, waiting pretty much from him! The back-ups are new faces with fixxxer ska, WuT and grezsiek. fixxxer and ska are known as a 3o3 players better but especially ska can make astonishing performances when playing. WuT from b2k was a bit surprise but nice to see Poland giving chance to new players to play, enemy should watch out for his tj skills! Grezsiek, have no idea how he have played lately, can't say anything:s

Black Horse

Canada Team Canada. If there is some team which could surprise its Team Canada. Last NC where format was 5o5 Team Canada gave really hard time to best countries usually winning one map from them. Now the format is 6on6 and that may have impact how they perform. The line-up is almost the same as last NC: anim, rossko, shaun, rockstAr, monkey, punkk. The thing that pretty much determines where Canada is going to place is if they can practice enough. Also key players like shaun and rockstAr were active during last NC and were in good shape, what about now? Are they capable to perform as good as last time? monkey is known more as a 3on3 player I think but he have proved he can also play 6on6 very well. What about rossko? He haven't also played actively for a moment. I have also no idea how punkk will be playing, haven't see him playing. Back-ups can't really replace anyone else but punkk in my eyes, otherwise they have no chances.
the simple fact that you called shaun a keyplayer of canada makes me wanna cut your head off

he just throws around 132 nades a round, nothing more!
My first thought was to point and laugh and call you a nerd for typing so many paragraphs however you said nice things about Canada so, good work :)
the simple fact that you called shaun a keyplayer of canada makes me wanna cut your head off
QuoteSeems like UK misses the strong sixth

United Kingdom Baggiez ?
Seems like I missed you.
I don't know how much you have been playing lately tho!
Nice review.

You missed Baggiez as uk #6 owner!
don't worry, i'm still getting 20+ revives.
Im positive that Estonia will do better than that.
be, nl, fin
good choice. there is top3 !
Nice random pic...
Germany 1st place
Finland 2nd place
England 3rd place
Netherlands 4th place
i can assure you germany wont be 1st with that lineup.
what lineup? we dont got a main lineup :D
the one with snoop in it will fail.
ich mag den stefan simon und daniel
hoi cristina :~>
France Seriously? Hahaha, guys.. !
Finland Estonia United Kingdom
dont know in what order

top 3 :-))
image: cup_gold your random pic
image: cup_silver image: fi Suomi
image: cup_bronze image: de Deutschland


Canadacanada - because they have embarassed and brisk
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